Map Description

Historical Map of Alexandria in 30 B.C.

Plan of Alexandria according to Otto Puchstein.


  1. Palace harbor: Small fortified harbor branching off from the main eastern harbor, located at the base of Lochias peninsula. Used for royal navy.
  2. Antirrhodus Island: Small island in the great harbor opposite Lochias. Now submerged underwater.
  3. Timonium: Palace built by Mark Antony on an artificial promontory extended into the harbor, located in front of the Emporium near a Temple of Poseidon.
  4. Harbor of Cibotus: Inner closed harbor connected to Lake Mareotis via canal. Location within the Eunostos (western) harbor. Exact size and shape unknown.
  5. Ancient mouth of Nile canal: Connected Harbor of Cibotus to Lake Mareotis. Partially covered even in ancient times. Ran south of old city area along Lake Mareotis.
  6. Present mouth of Nile canal: Created in 1822, located further west than ancient mouth.
  7. Serapeum and Pompey's Pillar: Major temple complex in the Rhakotis quarter. On elevated ground later considered acropolis. Pillar erected AD 302 for Diocletian's statue. Had colonnaded court, library, ritual spaces. Converted to church AD 390.
  8. Temple of Neptune: Located on promontory before the Emporium, later extended by Antony's causeway for Timonium.
  9. Nile canal: Supplied city with water via underground conduits leading to cisterns. Likely combined with Schedia canal. Corresponds roughly to modern canal position.

Present shore


University of Texas at Austin. Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1911).

Related Maps

This map of Alexandria is an inset of the Map of Rome's Expansion 264 BC - AD 180 , which is also available as PDF.

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About Diocletian
About Pompey

Map of Alexandria 30 BC

And here is the same map after a nice touch-up by Philg88:

Click map to enlarge.
Puchstein's Map of Alexandria Touch-Up
Puchstein's Map of Alexandria Touch-Up

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