Otto Puchstein 1856-1911
German archaeologist Otto Puchstein was busy excavating Bogazköy
formerly Hattusa, or Hattusha, the ancient capital of the
The year of the archaeological expedition? 1907.
The year of the Hittites inhabiting
Hattusa? 1600 - 1200 BC.
More about
Hattusa here.
Otto Puchstein was also expert on the temple of
Baalbek, Lebanon.
And here is the map

1250-1125 BC
Puchstein's article on ancient Alexandria was published in the
German Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Pauly's Real Encyclopedia
of Classical Antiquity Studies).
If you want to brush up on your German,
here is the article.
And here is the map
Map of Ancient Alexandria
... which is based on
Puchstein's original map.
More History