Adolf Hitler 1889 � 1945
Adolf Hitler 1889 - 1945

Der Führer (German: "The Leader")

Image Above

German postcard from 1934.

Caption: Der Führer als Tierfreund - The Führer as animal-lover.

Karl Stehle Private Collection, Munich.

And yes, this one as introduction simply to provoke.

Austrian born Adolf Hitler was a clever and manipulative politician.

Charismatic and energetic, he became Germany's dictator and military leader. His bombastic speeches held audiences spellbound.


Adolf Hitler's Family


Adolf Hitler's father was Alois Hitler. Alois Hitler was illegitimate, so he was Alois Schicklgruber for a while, Schicklgruber being Alois mother's name. Alois lived 1837 - 1903. He was a customs official. He died after suffering a pleural hemorrhage.

Alois married Anna Glassl-Hörer in 1873. The two divorced in 1880. No children.

Alois married his second wife, Franziska Matzelsberger, in 1883. The couple had two children — Alois Jr. and Angela (Angela became the mother of Angela Jr., also called Geli. See more  below.)

Alois married his third wife, Klara Pölzl, in 1885.




Adolf Hitler's mother was Klara Hitler, nee Poelzl (also spelled Pölzl), who lived 1860 - 1907.

Alois Hitler (or Schicklgruber) and Klara Pölzl married on January 7, 1885. Klara was 23 years younger than Alois.

Klara and Alois Hitler
Klara and Alois Hitler




Alois Hitler (or Schicklgruber) and Klara Pölzl had six children.

Adolf Hitler's siblings were Gustav, Ida, Otto, Edmund, and Paula.

Gustav Hitler was born on May 10 or May 17, 1885, and died of diphtheria on December 8, 1887.

Ida Hitler was born on September 23, 1886, and died of diphtheria on January 2, 1888.

Otto Hitler was born, and died, in 1887, shortly after his birth.

Edmund Hitler was born on March 24, 1894, and died on February 28, 1900.

Paula Hitler was born on January 21, 1896, and died on June 1, 1960. Brother Adolf insisted on a name change, so Paula Hitler changed her name to Paula Wolff. Paula recalled:

"The first time that my brother suggested my changing my name was at the Olympic Games in Garmisch. He wanted me to live under the name of Wolff, and maintain the strictest incognito. That was sufficient for me. From then on I kept this name. I added the Mrs. as I thought that less conspicuous."

Paula lived in Vienna when she was arrested by US officials in May 1945. She was eventually released and returned to Vienna. In December 1952, Paula moved to Berchtesgaden, Germany, where she lived until her death on June 1, 1960.

Paula Hitler never married and had no children.

Paula Hitler
Paula Hitler


Hitler's sweetheart was Eva Braun.

Adolf Hitler had no children.

Contrary to popular belief, Hitler was not dropped by evil aliens but was a result of human reproduction. Here is proof:

Deutsches Bundesarchiv


Adolf Hitler's Accomplishments

Adolf Hitler provoked World War II and was responsible for the Holocaust. It took the unusual alliance of capitalists and communists to end his reign. His name became proverbial for evil.



Adolf Hitler's Early Life

Hitler grew up in Austria. He enjoyed drawing but failed twice to pass the exam at the academy of arts. He moved to Munich and volunteered for the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment in World War I. During the war, he was wounded and gassed. He was also awarded for bravery in action.

After the war, he joined the Nazi Party, which stands short for National Socialist German Worker's Party. He was soon in charge of the party's propaganda and eventually became its chairman. For his unsuccessful Beer-Hall Putsch, in which National Socialists attempted to seize power, Hitler was arrested and imprisoned for nine months.

He wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf (My Struggle) while in prison.

Deutsches Historisches Museum


Later, Hitler unsuccessfully challenged Paul von Hindenburg in the 1932 chancellor election.

On July 15, 1932, Hitler recorded his Appeal to the Nation as part of his campaign for the Reichstag elections on July 31, 1932. The original German title was Appell an die Nation. It was a cross section of his election speeches of that year so far.

Adolf Hitler, 1889 - 1945
Adolf Hitler

Chancellor Adolf Hitler

On January 30, 1933, Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Reichskanzler (chancellor.)

On February 1, 1933, at 10 pm, Hitler gave his first speech as chancellor — The Appeal of the Reich Government to the German People. He delivered it from his office and it was nationally broadcast on radio.

Hitler gave his Proclamation to the German Nation on February 10, 1933, at the Sports Palace (Sportspalast) in Berlin. In this speech, which was also nationally broadcast, Hitler asked the German Volk to

"give us four years."

And here is the speech in German — Das Deutsche Volk, also called his Sportpalast-Kundgebung.

Immediately after his appointment as chancellor, Hitler established an absolute dictatorship. A huge stepping stone on his way to unlimited power was the Enabling Act (Ermächtigungsgesetz) of March 23, 1933.

On January 30, 1939, Hitler gave his speech The Jewish Question before parliament (reichstag) in Berlin.

Go here for the original German version of the speech, Die Juedische Frage.

On August 18, 1939, the forerunner of the T4 program, the program that would arrange for the killing of 275,000 mentally or physically handicapped people, was launched.

"The right to live ends when there is
no power left to fight for one's own health."

Nut Adolf in Mein Kampf (My Struggle)


Check Hitler's Euthanasia program in the Timeline of World War II



Berghof was Hitler's home in Bavaria - Photo: Deutsches Historisches Museum



Adolf Hitler and World War II

While preparing for war, Hitler effectively invaded and annexed as much European territory as possible without having to fight.

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. On the same day, in his speech before the Reichstag in Berlin, Adolf Hitler justified the invasion. He told his audience that Poland had been hostile and that,

"Since 5.45 A.M. we have been returning the fire."

Go here for Hitler's Returning Fire speech.

And here is the speech in German — Es wird jetzt zurueckgeschossen!

On September 3, 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Mussolini and Hitler in a car
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler in Munich, Germany - ca. June 1940
National Archives

As World War II was running its course, desperation grew among the Germans. Several attempts on Hitler's life were plotted by fellow high ranking Nazis. Meanwhile, Soviet forces closed in on Berlin, the location of Hitler's headquarters.


Adolf Hitler's Death

In recognition of her loyalty, Hitler married his long-time mistress Eva Braun at midnight on April 28 - 29, 1945.

On April 30 they jointly committed suicide. According to Hitler's directions, their bodies were cremated.


Adolf Hitler Controversy

Hitler's mental health is disputed. Some say he suffered from madness. Others say, besides being a hypochondriac, he was just plain evil.

In any event, he suffered from Parkinson disease. To what degree this illness influenced his decisions is debatable.


Hitler in Paris - June 23, 1940
Hitler in Paris - June 23, 1940
Click image to enlarge


Adolf and Geli

There is some controversy as to whether or not Adolf Hitler and his niece Angela (Geli) Raubal were lovers.

Angela Raubal was the daughter of Leo and Angela Raubal, nee Hitler (see Hitler's family tree above.)

Geli Raubal 1908 - 1931
Geli Raubal 1908 - 1931
Library of Congress

Here are three quotes from Ian Kershaw's biography Hitler, 1889-1936:

"... Before that, on renting Haus Wachenfeld back in 1928, Hitler had — rather surprisingly since they had never been close — telephoned his half-sister Angela Raubal in Vienna and asked her to keep house for him. She agreed, and soon brought her daughter, a lively and attractive twenty-year-old, also named Angela, though known to all as Geli, to stay with her. Three years later, Geli was to be found dead in Hitler's flat in Munich."

Hitler was not in town when Geli died. So did Hitler order the murder of Geli Raubal or not?

"The truth will never be known. But suicide ... driven by the need to escape from the vice of her uncle's clammy possessiveness ... seems the most likely explanation."

What impact did Geli Raubal have on Adolf Hitler?

"His [Hitler's] emotional involvement with Geli, whatever its precise nature, was — everything points to this — more intense than any other human relationship he had before or after. There was something both obsessive and cloyingly sentimental about the way her rooms in the Prinzregentenplatz apartment and in Haus Wachenfeld were turned into shrines. In a personal sense, Geli was indeed irreplaceable (though Hitler soon enough had Eva Braun in tow)."



Adolf Hitler Facts

  • Hitler painted postcards for a living while he lived in Vienna. He went on painting during WWI. They sold some of his artwork. And  here you can check for how much the stuff was sold.


  • Wee Adolf was a choirboy at the Benedictine monastery at Lambach in Upper Austria.

Wee Adolf
Wee Adolf in 1900


  • The swastika (German: hakenkreuz) is an ancient religious symbol. The word is derived from the Sanskrit term svasti, meaning object of well-being.

    What in the world is Sanskrit?

    The swastika appears clockwise or counterclockwise. The clockwise swastika on a white circle on a red background became the official Nazi flag.



  • A citizen of Austria, Hitler obtained German citizenship through the state of Brunswick in order to run for Chancellor. Well done, Brunswick Customs & Immigrations.


  • The Third Reich was the Nazi regime's official name. The First Reich had been the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (962 to 1806.) The Second Reich was the German Empire (1871 to 1918.)


  • Hitler bragged that the Third Reich would last a thousand years, but it actually lasted only 12 years, falling short of Hitler's 1000 year prediction by 988 years. The Third Reich collapsed one week after Hitler's death.


  • One of Hitler's favorite movies was King Kong.


  • Hitler began to cut out meat and alcohol from his diet, and he completely turned vegetarian after Geli Raubal died.

    In February 2013, a 95-year-old Margot Wölk decides to recount her experiences as one of Hitler's 15 food tasters, all young women under the age of 30, at the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's Eastern Front headquarters.

    "There was never meat because Hitler was a vegetarian," Wölk recalls. "The food was good, very good. But we couldn't enjoy it."

Margot Woelk, back in the days and today   Margot Woelk, back in the days and today
Margot Woelk, back in the days and today


  • "Heil Hitler!" (Hail Hitler!) was the official Nazi salute, right arm fully thrust forward and stretched out, palm facing downward.


  • They found Hitler's Bible. The man actually re-wrote the Ten Commandments. Have a look.



Adolf Hitler Brief Biography

1889 April 20 - Birth at Braunau am Inn, Austria

1919 Joins German Workers' Party in Munich

1923 November - Munich Beer Hall Putsch and prison

1932 Opposed Hindenburg in Presidential election

1933 Chancellor

1934 Hindenburg dies. Hitler becomes Führer and Chancellor

1939 German invasion of Poland, September 1

1939 Britain and France declare war on Germany, September 3

1941 Attack against the U.S.S.R.

1944 D-Day, June 6

1945 April 30 - Death in Berlin, Germany


Go here for more on Joseph Goebbels.

And here is the Adolf Hitler Timeline




Adolf Hitler Links and Trivia

Here is the link to the National WWII Museum:

"The National WWII Museum tells the story of the American experience in the war that changed the world—why it was fought, how it was won, and what it means today—so that all generations will understand the price of freedom and be inspired by what they learn."

The Telegraph features an article about how new computer software, which is able to read lips from silent films, give some more info about Hitler in the more relaxed setting of his home. See what you think.

Eddie Izzard points out that mass murderers come from the areas you least expect. Watch Eddie's clip here.





Let's wrap it up with a Hitler quote:

Ich gehe mit traumwandlerischer Sicherheit den Weg,
den mich die Vorsehung gehen heisst.


In other words:

With the assurance of a sleepwalker,
I go the way that Providence dictates.

Hitler, Speech in Munich, March 15, 1936



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Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Führer.

One realm, one people, one leader.

Nazi Party Slogan - Early 1930s



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Die breite Masse eines Volkes...
einer grossen Lüge leichter zum Opfer fällt als einer kleinen.

The broad mass of a nation...
will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.

Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925


















































































































































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