Battles in History: Ancient Times - 1499


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Ancient Times - 1499




1457 BC

Battle of Megiddo

1275 BC
(or 1288 BC)

Battle of Kadesh

609 BC

Battle of Megiddo

495 BC

Battle of Lade

Ionian Revolt

September 490 B.C.

Battle of Marathon

Greco-Persian Wars

August 480 B.C.

Battle of Thermopylae

Greco-Persian Wars

August 480 B.C.

Battle of Artemisium

Greco-Persian Wars

September 21, 480 B.C.

Raid on Athens

Greco-Persian Wars

September 29, 480 BC

Battle of Salamis

Greco-Persian Wars

August 27, 479 B.C.

Battle of Plataea

Greco-Persian Wars

479 B.C.

Battle of Mycale

Greco-Persian Wars

466 B.C.

Battle of the Eurymedon

Greco-Persian Wars

446 BC

Battle of Coronea

 Boeotian Revolt

440/439 BC

Siege of Samos (by Athens)


435 BC

Battle of Leucimme

Corinthian-Corcyrian War

433 BC

Battle of Sybota

Corinthian-Corcyrian War

432-430 BC

Siege of Potidaea (by Athens)

426 BC

Battle of Olpae

 Peloponnesian War

425 BC

Battle of Spaectaria

 Peloponnesian War

418 BC

First Battle of Mantineia

  Peloponnesian War

415 - 413 BC

Siege of Syracuse

 Peloponnesian War

405 BC

Battle of Aegospotami

 Peloponnesian War

403 BC

Battle of Piraeus


401 B.C.

 Battle of Cunaxa


394 B.C.

Battle of Nemea

Corinthian War

376 B.C.

 Battle of Naxos

 Boeotian-Spartan War

375 BC

Battle of Tegyra

 Boeotian-Spartan War

371 BC

Battle of Leuctra

 Boeotian-Spartan War

362 BC

Second Battle of Mantineia


357 BC

Battle of Argentoratum


338 BC

Battle of Chaeronea


334 BC

Battle of the Granicus

Alexander's Conquest

333 BC

Battle of Issus

Alexander's Conquest

331 BC

Battle of Gaugamela

Alexander's Conquest

331 BC

Battle of Megalopolis


326 BC

Battle of the Hydaspes

Alexander's Conquest

321 BC

Battle of Caudine Forks

Great Samnite War

301 BC

Battle of Ipsus


295 BC

Battle of Sentinum

Third Samnite War

281 BC

Battle of Corupedium


280 BC

Battle of Heraclea

Pyrrhic War

279 BC

Battle of Asculum

Pyrrhic War

275 BC

Battle of Benevetum

Pyrrhic War

217 BC

Naval Battle of Tarraco

217 BC

Battle of Trasimene

Second Punic War

August 2, 216 BC

Battle of Cannae

Second Punic War

208 BC

Battle of Baecula
(Battle of Bailen)

207 BC

Battle of the Metaurus

Second Punic War

206 BC

Battle of Ilipa

Second Punic War

202 BC

Battle of Zama

Second Punic War

190 BC

Battle of Magnesia

168 BC

Battle of Pydna

Third Macedonian War

108 BC

Battle of the Muthul River

Jugurthine War

October 6, 105 BC

Battle of Arausio

86 BC

Battle of Chaeronea

82 BC

Battle of Colline Gate

62 BC

Battle of Pistoria

58 BC

Battle of Bibracte

Gallic Wars

September 58 BC

Battle of Mulhouse

Gallic Wars

early August 57 BC

Battle of the Sabis

Gallic Wars

56 BC

Battle of Quiberon Bay

Gallic Wars

53 BC

Battle of Carrhae

Roman-Parthian Wars

52 BC

Battle of Gergovia

Gallic Wars

52 BC

Siege of Alesia

Gallic Wars

July 9, 48 BC

Battle of Dyrrachium

Roman Civil War

August 9, 48 BC

Battle of Pharsalus

Roman Civil War

47 BC

Battle of Zela

Roman Civil War

46 BC

Battle of Thapsus

Roman Civil War

45 BC

Battle of Munda

Roman Civil War

42 BC

Battle of Philippi

September 2, 31 BC

Battle of Actium

AD 9

Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

60 or 61

Massacre of the Ninth Legion

Roman Conquest of Britain


Boudica's Last Battle

Roman Conquest of Britain


Battle of Mons Graupius


Battle of the Red Cliff


Battle of the Milvian Bridge

September 28, 351

Battle of Mursa

August 9, 378

Battle of Adrianople

Fifth Roman-Gothic War


Battle of the Catalaunian Plains


Battle of Aylesford


Battle of Vouille (Vouillé)
also called
Battle of Campus Vogladensis


Battle of Taginae
also called  Battle Of Busta Gallorum


Battle of Mons Lactarius

December 656

Battle of Camel

May - July 657

Battle of Siffin

First Muslim Civil War

Early 680

 Battle of Lucofao

October 10, 680

Battle of Karbala

May 20, 685

Battle of Nechtansmere
also called
Battle of Dun Nechtain
or Battle of Dunnichen


 Battle of Tertry

October 732

 Battle of Tours
also called
Battle of Poitiers


Battle of Fontenoy

August 881

Battle of Saucourt


Battle of Brunanburgh


Battle of Andernach

August 955

Battle of the Lechfeld


Battle of Maldon


Battle of Val-�s-Dunes


Battle of Dunsinane


Battle of Mortemer


Battle of Varaville

September 25, 1066

Battle of Stamford Bridge

October 14, 1066

Battle of Hastings

Norman Conquest


First Battle of Alnwick

September 28, 1106

Battle of Tinchebrai


Battle of Ts'ai-shi

October 16, 1173

Battle of Fornham

Anglo-Norman Rebellion

July 12, 1174

Second Battle of Alnwick

Anglo-Norman Rebellion


Battle of Legnano


September 7, 1191

Battle of Arsuf

Third Crusade

July 18, 1195

Battle of Alarcos

July 16, 1212

Battle of Navas de Tolosa

July 27, 1214

Battle of Bouvines

 May 20, 1217

Battle of Lincoln

First Barons' War


Battle of Cortenuova

April 9, 1241

Battle of Liegnitz
also called
Battle of Legnica

May 1241

First Battle of Meloria


Battle of Desio


Sicilian Vespers

August 1284

Second Battle of Meloria


Battle of Falkirk

Scottish Wars of Independence

July 11, 1302

Battle of the Golden Spurs

June 23-24, 1314

Battle of Bannockburn

Scottish Wars of Independence

November 15, 1315

Battle of Morgarten


Battle of Sluys

 Hundred Years' War


Battle of Cr�cy

 Hundred Years' War

September 19, 1356

 Battle of Poitiers  

 Hundred Years' War


Battle of the Maritsa River



Battle of La Rochelle

 Hundred Years' War

September 8, 1380

 Battle of Kulikovo

July 20, 1402

 Battle of Ankara

July 21, 1403

Battle of Shrewsbury

  July 15, 1410

Battle of Grunwald
also called
Battle of Tannenberg

Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War

October 25, 1415

 Battle of Agincourt

 Hundred Years' War


Battle of Verneuil

 Hundred Years' War

October 12, 1428 -
May 8, 1429

 Siege of Orleans

 Hundred Years' War

February 12, 1429

Battle of Patay

 Hundred Years' War

June 18, 1429

Battle of the Herrings
(Battle of Rouvay)

 Hundred Years' War


Battle of Formigny

 Hundred Years' War

July 17, 1453

Battle of Castillon

 Hundred Years' War

April 14, 1471

 Battle of Barnet

 Wars of the Roses

May 4, 1471

 Battle of Tewkesbury

 Wars of the Roses

June 22, 1476

Battle of Morat




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