Pepin II of Herstal (died 714)
Pepin II was also called Pepin of Herstal.
A member of the
Carolingian Dynasty, Pepin ruled the Franks 687 - 714. And
pretty successfully so.
In 680, Pepin lost the
Battle of
Lucofao against Neustria. He meditated on this for a while,
re-organized, and in 687 he defeated Neustria in the
Battle of
Tertry and made Neustria's king his vassal.
In 689, Pepin further extended his
territory by defeating the Frisians.
The Family of Pepin II
of Herstal
Pepin's father was
mother was
Pepin's sons were
Charles Martel
and Grimoald, thus named in honor of Pepin's
uncle Grimoald.
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