Begga ? - ?
Image above:
Pepin of Landen
and his daughter St. Begga
Painting by an
anonymous artist, who created this artwork
copying with variations from a Rubens painting.
Royal Museum of
Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium |
The original Rubens, by the way, is titled "Ansegisus (Ansegiesel)
and Begga" which would make it a husband and wife portrait.
You can find it at
the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.
Begga was the daughter of
Pepin I
the Elder. Begga's mother was Itta, also spelled
Ida, who was made a Saint.
Begga was married to
Ansegisel, with whom she had a child,
Pepin II of Herstal.
Begga's brother was
Begga was part of the
Carolingian family clan. As is the case with many Mafiosi wives, Begga
had to mourn the killing of her husband.
Making good use of her free time as a
widow, Begga founded a monastery at Andenne in 691.
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