Wars in History: Chronologically


The wars here are indexed chronologically. You can also search for them alphabetically, and then some. See right column.


Browse Wars by Year


1185 - 1175 BC

Trojan War *Legendary

735 - 715 BC

First Messenian War

720 - 680 BC

Lelantine War

660 BC

Second Messenian War

596 - 590 BC

First Sacred War

500 - 494 BC

Ionian Revolt

492 - 449 BC

Greco-Persian Wars
also called
Persian Wars

487 - 484 BC

Egyptian Revolt Against Persia

464 BC

Third Messenian War
also called
Messenian Revolt

460 - 445 BC

First Peloponnesian War

460 - 466 BC

Egyptian Revolt Against Persia

449 - 448 BC

Second Sacred War

446 BC

Boeotia, Euboea, and Megara Revolt Against Athens

437 - 426 BC

Roman War against Fidenae

435 - 433 BC

Corinthian-Corcyrian War

431 - 404 BC

Peloponnesian War
also called
Second Peloponnesian War
Great Peloponnesian War

431 - 421 BC

Archidamian War

428 - 427 BC

Mytilenean Revolt

405 - 396 BC

Roman War against Veii

395 - 387 BC

Corinthian War

379 - 371 BC

Boeotian-Spartan War

357 - 355 BC

Social War

355 - 346 BC

Sacred War
also called
Phocian War
Third Sacred War

343 - 341 BC

First Samnite War

340 - 338 BC

Latin War

339 - 338 BC

Fourth Sacred War

327 - 304 BC

Second Samnite War
also called
Great Samnite War



298 - 290 BC

Third Samnite War



280 - 275 BC

Pyrrhic War
also called
Tarentine War



274 - 271 BC

First Syrian War



264 - 241 BC

First Punic War (see also Punic Wars)



260 - 253 BC

Second Syrian War



245 - 241 BC

Third Syrian War
also called
Laodicean War



219 - 217 BC

Fourth Syrian War



218 - 201 BC

Second Punic War (see also Punic Wars)



215 - 205 BC

First Macedonian War



202 - 200 BC

Fifth Syrian War



200 - 196 BC

Second Macedonian War



171 - 168 BC

Third Macedonian War



149 - 148 BC

Fourth Macedonian War



149 - 146 BC

Third Punic War (see also Punic Wars)



134 BC

First Servile War



112 - 105 BC

Jugurthine War



102 - 99 BC

Second Servile War



90 - 89 BC

Social War



88 - 84 BC

First Mithradatic War



83 - 81 BC

Second Mithradatic War



74 - 63 BC

Third Mithradatic War



73 - 71 BC

Gladiatorial War
also called
Gladiators' War
Third Servile War



58 - 50 BC

Gallic Wars



49 - 45 BC

Roman Civil War




Red Eyebrow Rebellion




Trung Sisters Rebellion



43 - 61

Roman Conquest of Britain



60 - 61

Boudicca's Rebellion



66 - 70

First Jewish Revolt



132 - 135

Second Jewish Revolt



184 - 204

Yellow Turban Rebellion



249 - 252

First Roman-Gothic War



253 - 268

Second Roman-Gothic War




Third Roman-Gothic War



367 - 369

Fourth Roman-Gothic War



377 - 382

Fifth Roman-Gothic War




First Saxon Revolt



337 - 363

Roman-Persian War



421 - 422

Roman-Persian War




Roman-Persian War



502 - 506

Roman-Persian War



524 - 532

Roman-Persian War



January 532

Nika Revolt



539 - 562

Roman-Persian War



572 - 591

Roman-Persian War



1066 - 1154

Norman Conquest



1079 - 1080

Anglo-Scottish War



1095 - 1272




1109 - 1113

Anglo-French War



1116 - 1119

Anglo-French War



1123 - 1135

Anglo-French War



1159 - 1189

Anglo-French War



1173 - 1174

Anglo-Norman Rebellion



1197 - 1214

German Civil War



1202 - 1204

Anglo-French War



1213 - 1214

Anglo-French War



1214 - 1216

Anglo-French War



1215 - 1217

First Barons' War



1242 - 1243

Anglo-French War



1264 - 1267

Second Barons' War



1286 - 1371

The Scottish Wars of Independence



1294 - 1298

Anglo-French War



1300 - 1303

Anglo-French War



1337 - 1453

Hundred Years' War




Peasants' Revolt



1409 - 1411

Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War



1454 - 1466

Thirteen Years' War



1455 - 1485

Wars of the Roses



1494 - 1559

Italian Wars




Stockholm Bloodbath



1520 - 1521

Comunero Revolt



1524 - 1526

Peasants' War



1534 - 1536

Count's War



1540 - 1918

Indian Wars



1542 - 1543

Dacke War
also called
Dacke's War
Dacke's Rebellion



1546 - 1547

Schmalkaldic War




Livonian War




Amboise Conspiracy



1562 - 1598

Wars of Religion



1568 - 1648

Eighty Years' War



1618 - 1648

Thirty Years' War





1635 - 1659

Franco-Spanish War



1639 - 1640

Bishops' Wars



1642 - 1651

English Civil Wars



1652 - 1654

First Anglo-Dutch War



1655 - 1660

First Northern War



1656 - 1661

Russo-Swedish War of 1656




Guadeloupe Slave Revolt



1665 - 1667

Second Anglo-Dutch War



1667 - 1668

War of Devolution



1672 - 1678

Dutch War
also called
Third Anglo-Dutch War
Franco-Dutch War



1675 - 1676

King Philip's War




Bacon's Rebellion



1676 - 1681

Russo-Turkish War



1683 - 1699

War of the Holy League



1687 - 1687

Russo-Turkish War



1688 - 1689

The Glorious Revolution



1689 - 1689

Russo-Turkish War



1689 - 1691

Jacobite War



1689 - 1763

French and Indian Wars



1689 - 1697

War of the Grand Alliance



1689 - 1697

King William's War



1695 - 1696

Azov campaigns



1700 - 1721

Great Northern War
also called
Second Northern War



1701 - 1714

War of Spanish Succession



1702 - 1713

Queen Anne's War



1702 - 1710

War of the Camisard



1710 - 1713

Turkish War



1715 - 1716

Yamasee War



1715 - 1718

Venetian-Turkish War



1718 - 1720

War of the Quadruple Alliance



1722 - 1723

Persian campaign



1725 - 1739

First Maroon War



1733 - 1738

War of the Polish Succession



1735 - 1739

Russo-Turkish War




Guadeloupe Slave Revolt



1740 - 1748

War of the Austrian Succession



1740 - 1762

Silesian Wars



1740 - 1742

First Silesian War



1741 - 1743

Russo-Swedish War of 1741



1744 - 1748

King George's War



1744 - 1745

Second Silesian War



1745 - 1746

Jacobite Rebellion
also called
Forty-five Rebellion



1754 - 1763

French and Indian War



1756 - 1763

Seven Years' War



1756 - 1762

Third Silesian War



April 27, 1763 -
July 25, 1766

Pontiac War also called
Pontiac's Rebellion



1767 - 1769

First Mysore War



1767 - 1771

Sino-Burmese War



1768 - 1774

Russo-Turkish War




Boston Tea Party



1775 - 1782

First Maratha War




Flour War



1775 - 1783

American Revolution 
also called
American War of Independence



1778 - 1779

War of the Bavarian Succession



1779 - 1879

Xhosa Wars



1780 - 1784

Second Mysore War



1780 - 1784

Fourth Anglo-Dutch War



1786 - 1787

Shay's Rebellion




Dutch Patriots' Revolt



1787 - 1791

Russo-Turkish War (also Austro-Turkish War)



1788 - 1790

Russo-Swedish War of 1788



1789 - 1799

French Revolution



1789 - 1790

Brabant Revolution



1790 - 1792

Third Mysore War



1791 - 1804

Haitian Revolution



1792 - 1801

French Revolutionary Wars



1792 - 1797

War of the First Coalition
part of the

French Revolutionary Wars



1792, May 18 - 1793, January 23

Russo-Polish War of 1792



1793 - 1796

Wars of the Vend�e



1794 - 1794

Whiskey Rebellion



1795 - 1797

Second Maroon War




Irish Rebellion of 1798



1798, July 7 - 1800, September 30




- 1801

Egyptian Campaign
part of the

French Revolutionary Wars



1798 - 1802

War of the Second Coalition
part of the

French Revolutionary Wars




Fourth Mysore War




War of the Oranges



1801 - 1805

Tripolitan War



1803 - 1805

Second Maratha War



1803 - 1815

Napoleonic Wars



1803 - 1814

Franco-British War
part of the
Napoleonic Wars



1804 - 1813

Russo-Persian War




War of the Third Coalition
part of the

Napoleonic Wars



1806 - 1807

War of the Fourth Coalition
part of the
Napoleonic Wars



1806 - 1812

Russo-Turkish War




Bahia Revolt



1808 - 1809

Russo-Swedish War



1808 - 1814

Peninsular War
part of the

Napoleonic Wars



1808 - 1826

Latin American Wars of Independence




Austrian War
part of the

Napoleonic Wars



1810, September 16 - 1821

Mexican War of Independence



1810, September 23 - October 9

West Florida Revolt



1811, January 8

Deslondes Revolt (also called German Coast Uprising)




Tecumseh's Revolt




Patriot War




French Invasion of Russia
part of the

Napoleonic Wars



1812 - 1815

War of 1812



1813 - 1814

Creek War
part of the

War of 1812



1813 - 1814

War of Liberation
part of the
Napoleonic Wars



1817 - 1818

First Seminole War



1817 - 1818

Third Maratha War



1821 - 1832

War of Greek Independence



1824 - 1826

First Anglo-Burmese War



1828 - 1829

Russo-Turkish War




July Revolution



1832 - 1832

Black Hawk War



1835 - 1836

Texas Revolution



1835 - 1842

Second Seminole War




Bahia Revolt



1838 - 1839

Pastry War



1839 - 1842

First Anglo-Afghan War



1839 - 1842

First Opium War



1845 - 1846

First Sikh War



1846 - 1848

Mexican-American War
also called

Mexican War




Revolutions of 1848



1848 - 1849

Second Sikh War



1848 - 1850

Schleswig War



1848 - 1849

First Italian War of Independence



1850 - 1864

Taiping Rebellion




Second Anglo-Burmese War



1853 - 1856

Crimean War



1855 - 1858

Third Seminole War



1856 - 1860

Second Opium War



1857 - 1860

Mexican Civil War
also called
War of the Reform



1859 - 1861

Second Italian War of Independence



1861 - 1865

American Civil War



1861 - 1867

French-Mexican War
also called
War of the French Intervention
Mexican-French War



1864 - 1870

War of the Triple Alliance




Danish War




Seven Weeks' War



1870 - 1871

Franco-German War
also called
Franco-Prussian War



1874 - 1875

Red River Indian War



1876 - 1878

Serbo-Turkish War



1878 - 1880

Second Anglo-Afghan War




Zulu War



1879 - 1884

War of the Pacific



1880 - 1881

First Boer War




Anglo-Egyptian War



1883 - 1885

Sino-French War




Third Anglo-Burmese War



1885 - 1886

Serbo-Bulgarian War



1894 - 1895

First Sino-Japanese War




Spanish-American War



1899 - 1902

Boer War
also called
Second Boer War



1899 - 1902

Philippine-American War



1899 - 1903

The War of a Thousand Days
in Spanish
La Guerra De Los Mil D�as



1904 - 1905

Russo-Japanese War




Russian Revolution of 1905



1910 - 1920

Mexican Revolution



1911, September 29 - 1912

Italo-Turkish War (Guerra di Libia)



1911, October 10 - 1912

Chinese Revolution



1914 - 1918

World War I



1912 - 1913

Balkan Wars



1915 - 1923

Armenian Genocide




Easter Rising
also called
Easter Rebellion




Russian Revolution of 1917



1917 - 1920

Russian Civil War




Spartacus Revolt



1919 - 1921

Irish War of Independence




Third Anglo-Afghan War



1922, October

March on Rome



1926 - 1929

Cristero Rebellion



1932 - 1935

Chaco War



1936 - 1939

Spanish Civil War



1937 - 1945

Second Sino-Japanese War



1939 - 1945

World War II



1945 - 1991

Cold War



1948 - 1949

First Arab-Israeli War



1950 - 1953

Korean War



1954 - 1975

Vietnam War



1954 - 1962

Algerian War of Independence




Second Arab-Israeli War




Hungarian Revolution



1956 - 1959

Cuban Revolution



1957 - 1958

Ifni War



1960 - 1996

Guatemalan Civil War




Bay of Pigs Invasion




Third Arab-Israeli War




Prague Spring




Black September




Yom Kippur War
also called
October War
Ramadan War
Fourth Arab-Israeli War




Nicaraguan Revolution
also called
Sandinista Revolution



1980 - 1988

Iran-Iraq War




Falkland Islands War




Fifth Arab-Israeli War



1990 - 1991

Persian Gulf War



1992 - 1995

Bosnian War




Rwanda Genocide



2001 - 2021

War in Afghanistan



2003 - 2011

Iraq War




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