Maps by Continent -
Europe Maps O-Q
The Europe History Map Collection is
indexed first alphabetically, then chronologically.
Olympia, Ancient
of Bohemia in 1378, Dominions of
Conquest 1451 - 1566
Empire 1481-1683
Empire Dismemberment 1683-1908 |
Ottoman Empire in Europe 1792 |
Empire in Europe 1870 |
Ottoman Empire 1914 |
Oudenaarde - July 11,
1708, Battle of |
Paris 1562 Vicinity |
Paris 1789 |
Revolutionary 1789 |
Paris during
the Revolution 1789-1799 |
Peasants' War 1525 |
Peloponnesian War
431-404 BC - Alliances and Strategies |
Peloponnesian War
431-404 BC - Key Actions in each Phase |
Peninsular War
1808-1814 |
Persian Invasion
492-490 BC, First and Second |
Persian Invasion
480-479 BC, Third |
Pharsalus 48 BC, Roman
Civil War: Moves to |
Pharsalus 48 BC,
Battle of |
Pharsalus, Battle of -
August 9, 48 BC - Caesar Creates a Fourth
Line |
Pharsalus, Battle of -
August 9, 48 BC - Initial Advances |
Pharsalus, Battle of -
August 9, 48 BC - Pompey's Cavalry Breaks
Through |
Pharsalus, Battle of -
August 9, 48 BC - Caesar's Counter-Attack |
Map of Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa |
Piraeus and Athens 431
BC |
Plataea, Ancient Greece |
Plataea 479 BC, Battle
of |
Plataea (First and
Second Position), 479 BC Battle of
Po Valley 1490 |
Poitiers 1356:
Positioning, Battle of |
Poitiers 1356, Battle
of |
Poland and
Lithuania 1569 |
Poland 1772 |
Poland 1939 - Industry |
Poland 1939 -
Disposition |
Poland Operations
September 1-14, 1939 |
Poland Operations
September 15-22, 1939 |
Poland in WWII:
Russian Offensive to the Oder River,
Operations January 12 - March 30, 1945 |
Pomerania 1806 |
Portugal &
Spain 1808 - 1814 |
and Spain, 1921 |
Prague: Attempted
Envelopment - May 6, 1757, Battle of |
Prague: Penetration -
May 6, 1757, Battle of |
Prussia 1648-1795 |
Punic War 218 BC,
Second |
Punic War 218-201 BC,
Second |
Pyrenees 1659, Treaty of the
and the Peace
of Roeskilde-Oliva 1658, 1660 |
Quatre-Bras and Ligny
- June 16, 1815, Battles of |
Quebec -
September 13, 1759, Battle of |
Quebec 1759, Siege of
Quiberon Bay -
1759 and 1795
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