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War of the Quadruple Alliance
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1815 Quadruple
Who Fought the War of the Quadruple Alliance?
The Quadruple Alliance - France,
Britain, Austria, and the Dutch Republic (United Provinces)
When Did the War of
the Quadruple Alliance Begin? When Did it End?
The war begun on August 2, 1718, when
the alliance was formed.
It ended on February 17, 1720, with
the Treaty of
The Hague.
Why Was the War of the
Quadruple Alliance Fought?
European politics were as complex and
as interconnected as always.
As a member of the
House of Bourbon, Spain's King
Philip V had his eye on the French crown. And secondly,
Philip was desperate to secure some sort of inheritance for his
children from his second wife, Elizabeth
(Isabella) Farnese.
But ultimately, it came down to this:
Spain's King
Philip V decided to confiscate Sardinia and Sicily.
According to the
Peace of Utrecht of 1713/1714,
Sardinia and Sicily belonged to Austria and Savoy respectively.
What Was the Outcome?
By means of the
Treaty of The Hague in 1720, Philip returned Sardinia
and Sicily. And Austria and Savoy switched islands: Austria took
Sicily and Savoy took Sardinia.
Here is the map:

Map of the Treaties 1713-1763
Click Map to Enlarge
And here are some
cannons from this war.
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