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Herodian Dynasty 1st Cent BC - 1st
Cent AD
The Herods ruled
in Judaea (modern Israel) during the first
century BC and the first century AD. They were
Around the year 125 BC, and according to
Josephus, the
Maccabeans forced them to circumcise their people.
The rule of the Herodian dynasty was
under Roman control. Here is their family tree:
Governor of Idumea
Son: Antipater
Governor of Judaea 47 BC - 43 BC.
Sons: Phasael, Herod the Great, Joseph, Pheroras
Daughter: Salome
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Governor of Jerusalem |
Herod I the
King of Judaea 37 BC - 4 (?) BC
Joseph |
Pheroras |
Salome |
Here is a map of the kingdom of Herod I the Great and its division
amongst his sons:

Map of Herod I the Great's kingdom
Click to enlarge
Wives and children
of Herod the Great:
First wife:
Doris - Son: Antipater
Second wife: Mariamne I -
Granddaughter of High Priest Hyrcanus II. Killed by
Herod. Sons: Alexander (b)
and Aristobulus
Third wife: Mariamne II -
Mariamne II was the daughter of the high priest
Simon. Son: Philip, or Herod Philip
Fourth wife: Malthace -
Sons: Archelaus
(e) and Herod Antipas
Wife: Cleopatra of Jerusalem -
Son: Philip
More wives and children: Herod the Great had all in all 10 wives and 15 children.
Children of Herod the Great:
(a) Antipater
His father Herod had him killed five days before his own death
because of Antipater's conspiracy against Herod.
(b) Alexander
Killed by Herod.
(c) Aristobulus
Killed by Herod. Son:
Herod Agrippa I (h)
Daughter: Herodias
Herod Philip Wife: Herodias (i)
Daughter with Herodias: Salome
Herodias left Herod Philip to marry Herod Antipas.
Ethnarch of Judaea. The Romans fired him in 6 AD and Judaea was
henceforth ruled by Roman governors, the last of whom was Pontius
Pilate from 26 AD - 36 AD.
Herod Antipas Tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea until 39 AD. He had
John the
Baptizer beheaded. Herod Antipas was exiled to Gaul. Herodias
went with him. First wife: daughter of Nabataean king Aretas of Arabia.
Herod Antipas divorced her in order to marry Herodias. Second wife:
Herodias (i)
Philip Tetrarch of Northern Palestine until 34 AD.
Grand-children of Herod the Great:
Herod Agrippa I
King of Judaea from 41 AD - 44 AD. He was the one who killed the
apostle James. According to the New Testament, Herod Agrippa
I was killed by God during a public speech. Son: Herod Agrippa II
Daughters: Bernice, Drusilla, and
Mariamne III
(i) Herodias
The one who told her daughter Salome to ask for the head
of John the Baptizer. First husband: Herod Philip
Daughter with first husband: Salome. Second husband: Herod Antipas
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