Treaty of Luneville 1801 -

Treaty of Luneville
Treaty of Peace concluded at Luneville, February 9, 1801, between the
French Republic, and the Emperor and the Germanic Body.
His majesty, the
emperor and the king of Hungary and Bohemia, and
first consul of the French republic, in the name of the French
people, having equally at heart to put an end to the miseries of
war, have resolved to proceed to the conclusion of a definite treaty
of peace and amity.
His said imperial and royal majesty, not less anxiously desirous of
making the Germanic empire participate in the blessings of peace,
and the present conjecture not allowing the time necessary for the
empire to be consulted, and to take part by its deputies in the
negotiation; his said majesty having, besides, regard to what has
been agreed upon by the deputation of the empire at he preceding
congress at Rastadt, has resolved, in conformity with the precedent
of what has taken place in familiar circumstances, to stipulate in
the name of the Germanic body.
In consequence, the contracting parties have appointed as
their plenipotentiaries, to it,
His imperial and royal
majesty, [appointed] the
Sir Louis Cobentzel, count
of the holy Roman empire, knight of the golden fleece, grand cross
of the royal order of St Stephen and of the order of St. John of
Jerusalem, chamberlain, and privy counsellor of his imperial and
royal majesty, his minister for the conference, and vice-chancellor
of the court of state;
And the first consul of the French republic, in the name of the
French people, has appointed citizen
Joseph Bonaparte, counsellor of
state; who, after having exchanged their full powers, have agreed
tot he following articles:
Article I
There shall be henceforth and forever, peace, amity, and
good understanding, between his majesty the emperor, king of Hungary
and Bohemia, stipulating, as well in his own name as that of the
Germanic empire, and the French republic, is said majesty engaging
to cause the empire to give ratification in good and due form to the
present treaty. The greatest attention shall be paid on both sides
to the maintenance of perfect harmony, to preventing all hostilities
by land and by sea, for whatever cause, or on whatever pretence, and
to carefully endeavouring to maintain the union happily established.
No assistance or protection shall be given, either directly or
indirectly, to those who would do any thing to the prejudice of
either of the contracting parties.
Article II
The cession of the
formerly Belgian provinces to the French
republic, stipulated by the 3rd article of the
treaty of Campo Formio, is renewed there in the most formal manner, so that his
imperial and royal majesty, for himself and his successors, as well
in his own name as that of the Germanic empire, renounces all his
right and title to the said provinces, which shall be possessed
henceforth as its sovereign right and property by the French
republic, with a l the territorial property dependant on it. There
shall also be given up to the French republic by his imperial and
royal majesty, and with the formal consent of the empire:
1st, The comté of Falkenstein, with its dependencies.
2d, The Frickthall, and all belonging to the house of Austria in the
left bank of the Rhine, between Zarsach and Basle; the French
republic reserving to themselves the right of ceding the latter
country to the Helvetic republic.
Article III
In the same manner, in renewal and confirmation of the 6th
article of the treaty of Campo Formio, his majesty the emperor and
the king shall possess in sovereignty, and as his right, the
countries below enumerated, viz. Istria, Dalmatia, and the Venetian
isles in the Adriatic dependant upon those countries, the Bocca de
Cattaro, the city of Venice, the canals and the country included
between the hereditary state of his majesty the emperor and king;
the Adriatic sea, and the Adige, form its leaving the Tyrol to the
mouth of the said sea; the towing path of the Adige serving as the
line of limitation. And as by this line the cites of Verona and of
Porto Legnano will be divided, there shall be established, on the
middle bridges of the said cities, drawbridges to mark the
Article IV
The 18th article of the
treaty of Campo Formio is also renewed
thus far, that his majesty the emperor and king binds himself to
yield to the Duke of Modena, as an indemnity for the countries which
this prince and his heirs had in Italy, the Brisgau, which he shall
hold on the same terms as those by virtue of which he possesses the
Article V
It is moreover agreed, that his royal highness the grand duke of
Tuscany shall renounce, for himself and his successors, having any
right to it, the grand dutchy of Tuscany, and that part of the isle
of Elba which is dependant upon it, as well as all right and title
resulting from his rights on the said states, which shall be
henceforth possessed in complete sovereignty, and as his own
property, by his royal highness the infant duke of Parma. The grand
duke shall obtain in Germany a full and complete indemnity for his
Italian states. The grand duke shall dispose at pleasure of the
goods and property which he possesses in Tuscany, either by personal
acquisition, or by descent from his late father, the emperor Leopold
II, or from his grandfather the emperor Francis I. It is also
agreed, that other property of the grand duchy, as well as the
debts secured on the country, shall pass to the new grand duke.
Article VI
His majesty the emperor and king, as well as in his own name as
in that of the Germanic empire, consents that the French republic
shall possess henceforth in complete sovereignty, and as their
property, the country and domains situated on the left bank of the
Rhine, and which formed part of the Germanic empire: so that, in
conformity with what had been expressly consented to at the congress
of Rastadt, by the deputation of the empire, and approved by the
emperor, the towing path of the Rhine will henceforth be the limit
between the French republic and the Germanic empire; that is to say
, from the place where the Rhine leaves the Helvetic territory, to
that where it enters the Batavian territory.
In consequence of this, the French republic formally renounces all
possession whatever on the right bank of the Rhine, and consents to
restore to those whom it may belong, the fortresses of Dusseldorff,
Ehrenbreitstein, Philipsburgh, the fort of Cassel, and other
fortification opposite to Mentz, on the right bank, the fort of Kehl,
and Old Brisach, on the express condition that these places and
fortresses shall continue and remain in the state in which they were
at the time of their evacuation.
Article VII
And as, in consequence of the cession which the empire makes to
the French republic, several princes and states of the empire will
be dispossessed, either altogether or in part, whom it is incumbent
upon the Germanic empire collectively to support, the losses
resulting from the stipulations in the present treaty, it is agreed
between his majesty the emperor and king, as well in his own name as
in that of the Germanic empire, and the French republic, that in
conformity with the principles formally established at the congress
of Rastadt, the empire shall be bound to give to the hereditary
princes who shall be dispossessed on the left bank of the Rhine, an
indemnity, which shall be taken from the whole of the empire,
according to arrangements which on these bases shall be ultimately
determined upon.
Article VIII
In all the ceded countries, acquired or exchanged by the
present treaty, it is agreed, as had already been done by the 4th
and 10th articles of the treaty of Campo Formio,
that those to whom they shall belong shall take them, subject to the
debts charged on the said countries; but considering the
difficulties which have arisen in this respect, with regard to the
interpretation of the said articles of the treaty of Campo Formio, it is expressly
understood, that the French republic will not take upon itself any
thing more that the debts resulting from the loans formally agreed
to by the state so the ceded countries, or by the actual
administrations of such countries.
Article IX
Immediately after the change of the ratifications of the present
treaty, the sequestration imposed on the property, effects, and
revenues of the inhabitants or proprietors, shall be taken off. The
contracting parties oblige themselves to pay all they may owe for
money lent them by individuals, as well as by the public
establishments of the said countries and to pay and reimburse all
annuities created for their benefit on every one of them. In
consequence of this, it is expressly admitted, that the holders of
stock in the bank of Vienna, become French subjects, shall continue
to enjoy the benefit of their funds, and shall receive the interest
accrued, or to accrue, not withstanding the infringement which the
holders aforesaid, become French subjects, sustained by not being
able to pay the 30 and 100 percent. Demanded by him imperial and
royal majesty, of all creditors of the bank of Vienna.
Article X
The contracting parties shall also cause all the sequestrations
to be taken off, which have been imposed on account of the war, on
the property, the rights, and revenues of the emperor, or of the
empire, in the territory of the French republic, and of the French
citizens in the states of the said majesty or the empire.
Article XI
The present treaty of peace, and particularly the 8th, 9th, 10th
and 15th articles, are declared to extend to, and to be common to
the Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine and Ligurian republics. The
contracting parties mutually guaranty the independence of the said
republics, and the right of the people who inhabit them to adopt
what form of government they please.
Article XII
His imperial and royal majesty renounces for himself and his
successors, in favour of the Cisalpine republic, all rights and
titles arising from those rights, which his majesty might claim on
the countries of the 8th article of the treaty of Campo Formio, now
form part of the Cisalpine republic, which shall possess them as
their sovereignty and property, with all the territorial property
dependant upon it.
Article XIII
His imperial and royal majesty, as well in his own name as in
that of the Germanic empire, confirms the agreement already entered
into by the treaty of Campo Formio, for the union of the formerly
imperial fiefs to the Ligurian republic, and renounces all rights
and titles arising from these rights on the said fiefs.
Article XIV
In conformity with the 2d article of the treaty of Campo Formio,
the navigation of the Adige, which serves as the limits between his
majesty the emperor and king, and the navigation of the rivers in
the Cisalpine republic, shall be free, nor shall any toll be
imposed, nor any ship of war kept there.
Article XV
All prisoners of war on both sides, as well as hostages given or
taken during the war, who shall not be yet restored, shall be so
within forty days from the time of the signing of the present
Article XVI
The real and personal property unalienated to this royal
highness the archduke Charles, and of the heirs of her royal
highness the archduchess Christina, deceased, situated in the
countries ceded to the French republic, shall be restored to them on
condition of their selling them within three years. The same shall
be the case also with the landed and personal property of their
royal highnesses the archduke Ferdinand and the archduchess
Beatrice, his wife, in the territory of the Cisalpine republic.
Article XVII
The 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th 17th, and 23d articles of the treaty of Campo Formio, are particularly renewed, and are to be
executed according to their form and effect, as if they were here
repeated verbatim.
Article XVIII
The contributions, payments, and war impositions, of whatever
kind, shall cease from the day of the exchange of the ratifications
of the present treaty on the one hand, by his imperial majesty and
the Germanic empire, and on the other by the French republic.
Article XIX
The present treaty shall be ratified by his majesty the emperor
and king, by the empire, and by the French republic, in the space of
thirty days or sooner if possible; and it is agreed that the armies
of the two powers shall remain in the present positions, both in
Germany and in Italy, until the ratification shall be respectively,
and at the same moment, exchanged at Luneville.
It is also agreed, that ten days after the exchange of
ratifications, the armies of this imperial and royal majesty shall
enter the hereditary possessions, which shall, within the same space
of time, be evacuated by the French armies; and thirty days after
the said ratifications shall be exchanged, the French armies shall
evacuate the whole of the territory of the said empire.
Executed at Luneville, Feb. 9, 1801
Louis Count Cobentzel.
Joseph Bonaparte.

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