The U.S. will pay Spain $20
million for the Philippines.
Article III:
Spain cedes to the United States the
archipelago known as the Philippine
Islands, and comprehending the islands
lying within the following line [...]
The United States will pay to Spain the
sum of twenty million dollars
($20,000,000) within three months after
the exchange of the ratifications of the
present treaty.
Spain gives up its claims to Cuba. Cuba becomes independent
but the U.S. will occupy the island for an
unspecified period of time.
Article I:
Spain relinquishes all claim of
sovereignty over and title to Cuba. And
as the island is, upon its evacuation by
Spain, to be occupied by the United
States, the United States will, so long
as such occupation shall last, assume
and discharge the obligations that may
under international law result from the
fact of its occupation, for the
protection of life and property.
Article XVI:
It is understood that any obligations
assumed in this treaty by the United
States with respect to Cuba are limited
to the time of its occupancy thereof;
but it will upon termination of such
occupancy, advise any Government
established in the island to assume the
same obligations.
Spain cedes Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States.
Article II:
Spain cedes to the United States the
island of Porto Rico and other islands
now under Spanish sovereignty in the
West Indies, and the island of Guam in
the Marianas or Ladrones.