Defender of Jerusalem
If someone mentions the Defender of
Jerusalem, he either talks about
a) actor
Orlando Bloom (Balian of Ibelin in
Kingdom of
Heaven), or he is
b) referring to
Godfrey of
Bouillon, or
c) he is talking about the
Defender of Jerusalem Award.
More About the
Defender of Jerusalem Award
According to the New York Times, the award is granted by the
Jabotinsky Foundation, named for Vladimir Jabotinsky, a
Zionist, philosopher and mentor of many Israeli leaders. The award
is annual and represents a $100,000 prize.
Eryk Spektor, founder and
chairman of the Jabotinsky Foundation, explains the purpose of this
foundation "is to honor people who have stood up in the defense of
Jewish rights."
Here is the link to the
History of the Crusades
And here are some Jerusalem Maps


Jerusalem 1187
More History