Seven Wonders of the World
To be
exact, these are the
Wonders of the Ancient World.
And the Seven Wonders of the World are (were) . . .
The Pyramids of Giza

The Sphinx, the Great Pyramid of Cheops,
Natives, and Camels at Gizeh
A 1913
photograph of a view of Egyptians and camels
in front of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid
of Cheops. Taken from the southeast.
Photo: New
York States Archives.
More about the
Pyramids of Giza
The Hanging Gardens of

Hilltop view of the
ancient city of Babylon
Nobody knows
the creator of the Hanging Gardens nor their
exact location. But strong favorites are
Assyrian Queen
Sammu-ramat or Babylonian
King Nebuchadrezzar II.
As for the
possible location, a spot near or within the
royal palace in Babylon seems probable.
Photo: U.S.
Army / Maj. Mike Feeney.
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

Artistic rendering of Zeus' statue placed in
his temple at Olympia
University of Texas.
More about the Statue
of Zeus at Olympia
The Temple of Artemis
at Ephesus

Artistic rendering of
the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Built by
Lydian King Croesus
around 550 BC, the Temple of Artemis at
Ephesus was approx. 350 feet or 110 meters
in length and 180 feet or 55 meters in
Ephesus was a
major ancient city located near today's
Selcuk, Turkey. All what's left there from
the original temple is a column or two.
Socorro Public Library.
The Mausoleum of

Artistic rendering of
the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Built by
Queen Artemisia around 350 BC, this monumental
construction was the tomb of her brother, and
deceased husband, Mausolus.
The ancient
city of Halicarnassus is today's Bodrum in
Painting by The Bridgeman Art Library/Getty
The Colossus of Rhodes

rendering of the Colossus of Rhodes
A gigantic
statue of the sun god Helios was built
around 294 to 282 BC. Experts tell us that
it is improbable that the statue bridged the
entrance of the harbor like shown above. But
it looks cool. However the statue was placed
exactly, an earthquake
brought it down.
entrance of the harbor of Rhodes is guarded
by two hamsters on columns.
Engraving by Marten van Heemskerck
More about the Colossus of Rhodes
The Pharos of

Artistic rendering of
the Pharos of Alexandria
A huge
lighthouse that was built around 280 BC on
an island off Alexandria, the ancient
capital of Egypt.
University of Texas
More History