Map Description
Historical map of Italy about
B -
D - Duchy
M - Marquisite
R - Republic
For sites of battles in the vicinity of Milan during the first
quarter of the sixteenth century,
see the upper inset.
Inset A: The Milanese under
the Visconti,
Dominions of Azzo Visconti
Acquired by Luchino and Giovanni Visconti (1339-1354)
Acquired by Bernabo and Galeazzo Visconti (1354-1385)
Acquired by Gian Galeazzo Visconti (1385-1402)
Areas given a border coloring are those which became dowries for
Visconti heiresses, or
were otherwise lost, before 1402.
Inset B: The Republic of Florence,
Boundaries of the Tuscan States in
The Republic of Florence in 1300
Acquired 1300-1377
Acquired 1377-1433
Acquired 1433-1494
Protected States
University of Texas at Austin.
Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1923-26).
Related Maps
Map of Italy about 1050
Map of Florence 1300-1494
Map of Milan 1339-1402
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Map of the Po Valley 1490
Map of Italy about
1494 (USMA)
Map of the Wars of France and the Empire
Map of Italy at the
end of the Sixteenth Century

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