Freedom or Death
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Pankhurst's Freedom or Death speech.
It follows the full text transcript of
Emmeline Pankhurst's Freedom or Death speech, delivered at
Hartford, Connecticut - November 13, 1913.

Mrs. Hepburn,
ladies and gentlemen: |
Many people come
to Hartford to address meetings as advocates of
some reform. Tonight it is not to advocate a
reform that I address a meeting in Hartford. I
do not come here as an advocate, because
whatever position the suffrage movement may
occupy in the United States of America, in
England it has passed beyond the realm of
advocacy and it has entered into the sphere of
practical politics. It has become the subject of
revolution and civil war, and so tonight I am
not here to advocate woman suffrage. American
suffragists can do that very well for
I am here as a
soldier who has temporarily left the field of
battle in order to explain - it seems strange it
should have to be explained - what civil war is
like when civil war is waged by women. I am not
only here as a soldier temporarily absent from
the field at battle; I am here - and that, I
think, is the strangest part of my coming - I am
here as a person who, according to the law
courts of my country, it has been decided, is of
no value to the community at all: and I am
adjudged because of my life to be a dangerous
person, under sentence of penal servitude in a
convict prison. So you see there is some special
interest in hearing so unusual a person address
you. I dare say, in the minds of many of you -
you will perhaps forgive me this personal touch
- that I do not look either very like a soldier
or very like a convict, and yet I am both.
Now, first of all I want to make you understand
the inevitableness of revolution and civil war,
even on the part of women, when you reach a
certain stage in the development of a
community's life. It is not at all difficult if
revolutionaries come to you from Russia, if they
come to you from China, or from any other part
of the world, if they are men, to make you
understand revolution in five minutes, every man
and every woman to understand revolutionary
methods when they are adopted by men.
Many of you have expressed sympathy, probably
even practical sympathy, with revolutionaries in
Russia. I dare say you have followed with
considerable interest the story of how the
Chinese revolutionary, Sun Yat-sen, conducted
the Chinese revolution from England. And yet I
find in American newspapers there is a great
deal of misunderstanding of the fact that one of
the chief minds engaged in conducting the
women's revolution is, for purposes of
convenience, located in Paris. It is quite easy
for you to understand - it would not be
necessary for me to enter into explanations at
all - the desirability of revolution if I were a
man, in any of these countries, even in a part
of the British Empire known to you as Ireland.
If an Irish revolutionary had addressed this
meeting, and many have addressed meetings all
over the United States during the last twenty or
thirty years, it would not be necessary for that
revolutionary to explain the need of revolution
beyond saying that the people of his country
were denied - and by people, meaning men - were
denied the right of self-government. That would
explain the whole situation. If I were a man and
I said to you, "I come from a country which
professes to have representative institutions
and yet denies me, a taxpayer, an inhabitant of
the country, representative rights," you would
at once understand that that human being, being
a man, was justified in the adoption of
revolutionary methods to get representative
institutions. But since I am a woman it is
necessary in the twentieth century to explain
why women have adopted revolutionary methods in
order to win the rights of citizenship.
You see, in spite of a good deal that we hear
about revolutionary methods not being necessary
for American women, because American women are
so well off, most of the men of the United
States quite calmly acquiesce in the fact that
half of the community are deprived absolutely of
citizen rights, and we women, in trying to make
our case clear, always have to make as part of
our argument, and urge upon men in our audience
the fact - a very simple fact - that women are
human beings. It is quite evident you do not all
realize we are human beings or it would not be
necessary to argue with you that women may,
suffering from intolerable injustice, be driven
to adopt revolutionary methods. We have, first
of all to convince you we are human beings, and
I hope to be able to do that in the course of
the evening before I sit down, but before doing
that, I want to put a few political arguments
before you - not arguments for the suffrage,
because I said when I opened, I didn't mean to
do that - but arguments for the adoption of
militant methods in order to win political
A great many of you have been led to believe,
from the somewhat meager accounts you get in the
newspapers, that in England there is a strange
manifestation taking place, a new form of
hysteria being swept across part of the feminist
population of those Isles, and this
manifestation takes the shape of irresponsible
breaking of windows, burning of letters, general
inconvenience to respectable, honest business
people who want to attend to their business. It
is very irrational you say: even if these women
had sufficient intelligence to understand what
they were doing, and really did want the vote,
they have adopted very irrational means for
getting the vote. "How are they going to
persuade people that they ought to have the vote
by breaking their windows?" you say. Now, if you
say that, it shows you do not understand the
meaning of our revolution at all, and I want to
show you that when damage is done to property it
is not done in order to convert people to woman
suffrage at all. It is a practical political
means, the only means we consider open to
voteless persons to bring about a political
situation, which can only be solved by giving
women the vote.
Suppose the men of Hartford had a grievance, and
they laid that grievance before their
legislature, and the legislature obstinately
refused to listen to them, or to remove their
grievance, what would be the proper and the
constitutional and the practical way of getting
their grievance removed? Well, it is perfectly
obvious at the next general election, when the
legislature is elected, the men of Hartford in
sufficient numbers would turn out that
legislature and elect a new one: entirely change
the personnel of an obstinate legislature which
would not remove their grievance. It is
perfectly simple and perfectly easy for voting
communities to get their grievances removed if
they act in combination and make an example of
the legislature by changing the composition of
the legislature and sending better people to
take the place of those who have failed to do
But let the men of Hartford imagine that they
were not in the position of being voters at all,
that they were governed without their consent
being obtained, that the legislature turned an
absolutely deaf ear to their demands, what would
the men of Hartford do then? They couldn't vote
the legislature out. They would have to choose;
they would have to make a choice of two evils:
they would either have to submit indefinitely to
an unjust state of affairs, or they would have
to rise up and adopt some of the antiquated
means by which men in the past got their
grievances remedied. We know what happened when
your forefathers decided that they must have
representation for taxation, many, many years
ago. When they felt they couldn't wait any
longer, when they laid all the arguments before
an obstinate British government that they could
think of, and when their arguments were
absolutely disregarded, when every other means
had failed, they began by the tea party at
Boston, and they went on until they had won the
independence of the United States of America.
That is what happened in the old days.
It is perfectly evident to any logical mind that
when you have got the vote, by the proper use of
the vote in sufficient numbers, by combination,
you can get out of any legislature whatever you
want, or, if you cannot get it, you can send
them about their business and choose other
people who will be more attentive to your
demands, But, it is clear to the meanest
intelligence that if you have not got the vote,
you must either submit to laws just or unjust,
administration just or unjust, or the time
inevitably comes when you will revolt against
that injustice and use violent means to put an
end to it, That is so logically correct that we
hear politicians today talk about the inherent
right of revolution and rebellion on the part of
human beings suffering from an intolerable
injustice, and in England today we are having a
situation brought about by men which exactly
illustrates the case. We have got in Ireland
today a very serious situation. I refer to the
fact that for generations Irish agitators, Irish
lawbreakers, Irish criminals, who have been
sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in
English convict prisons, have come over to
America and have asked the people of the United
States to give them money, to send them help in
various forms to fight the Irish rebellion.
The Irish rebellion has at last, during the past
few years, come into practical politics, and it
has found shape in a measure which has now
passed through the House of Commons and through
the House of Lords, giving what the Irishmen so
long wanted, home rule to Ireland. That is to
say, next June, a parliament is going to be set
up in Dublin, an Irish parliament, for the
management of Irish affairs quite distinct from
the government in London. The majority of men in
Ireland desired it; presumably the majority of
women acquiesced in their desire, but they were
not asked whether they wished it or not. It is
certain that in the course of the Irish
rebellion women have taken a very prominent
part; and it is rather a notable point to which
I should like to call your attention, that when
the imprisonments of Irishmen took place in the
course of their political rebellion they were
put almost invariably, after a certain amount of
struggle, in the first division, and were
treated as political offenders; but when women,
helping the men, got into the coils of the law,
all those women in Ireland who were helping the
men to get home rule, were invariably treated as
ordinary criminals and got ordinary criminals'
treatment. You see, ladies, even in a rebellion,
there is an advantage in being a voter, and if
you are not a voter you are liable to get very
much worse treatment than the voters, even the
law-breaking voters, get. Now, the situation
today then is, that home rule for Ireland is to
take effect early next year, or in the course of
next year.
But there is a part of Ireland which does not
want home rule. There is a part of Ireland which
prefers to be governed from London. That is the
north of Ireland, in the County of Ulster. For
racial reasons, for religious reasons, for
economic reasons, the majority of the people
there do not want home rule at all. They call
themselves Loyalists, Unionists, and they want
to maintain the union with Great Britain in its
present form. Directly the home rule bill
passed, directly it was perfectly clear that
Home Rule was to be granted, these people began
to revolt. They had a leader, a man who formed a
part of the last Conservative administration,
Sir Edward Carson. A distinguished lawyer, a
distinguished statesman: he is an Irishman. Sir
Edward Carson came to be the leader of the
Ulster rebellion. He has advocated civil war: he
has not only advocated civil war, he has urged
the men of Ulster to drill and prepare to fight
if civil war comes to pass. The first stage in
this rebellion was the signing of a great
declaration on behalf of the Union. It is rather
notable that not only men signed that
declaration, but women signed it also; the women
of Ulster were invited to sign the declaration
along with the men. And to those people who say
that the province of woman is quite apart from
politics, and that women by nature take no
interest in politics, I would like to say that
more women signed that declaration than did men,
considerably more.
Well, the last stage of this struggle, and the
struggle is coming to a head, is this; that Sir
Edward Carson has been making speeches in which
he has gloried in having broken the law; he has
challenged the British government to arrest him;
arms have been shipped to Ireland; and there is
not a club, a young men's club, a workingman's
club, or the middle class or the upper class
men's club, where they are not drilling and
preparing for civil war. The law has already
been broken, because there has been considerable
riot in the streets of Belfast, and lives even
have been lost, and I want to say to you in this
meeting how much have you heard of all this in
the American newspapers? Have you heard loud
condemnation from English newspapers echoed in
your own papers? No; the newspapers and you have
accepted quite calmly the fact that revolution
is preparing in Ireland, and not one of you,
whether you are a newspaper editor writing
leading articles in your sanctum, or whether you
are a business man or a professional man, not
one of you has questioned the right of those men
in Ulster, although they are voters and have a
constitutional means for getting redress for
their grievances, the right of those men to
resort to revolution if everything else fails.
Well, there is another picture, another contrast
I want to draw. We have Sir Edward Carson
preaching revolution and justifying bloodshed in
defense of what he calls the rights of the
manhood of Ulster, the right of having
themselves governed in the way they prefer. He
has not hesitated to advocate the shedding of
blood because be says it is quite worthwhile to
shed blood, of your own and other people's, in
defense of your citizen rights, in the defense
of your having the right to choose the form of
government you wish. Sir Edward Carson has not
been arrested; Sir Edward Carson has not been
charged with conspiracy; Sir Edward Carson has
not been sent to jail. He has been making
precisely the same kind of speeches that I made
up to the month of March last, with this
difference: that while he has justified the
shedding of human blood in a revolution, I have
always said that nothing would bring me to the
point of claiming that we should destroy human
life in the course of our woman's agitation.
That is the only distinction between his
speeches and mine, that he has advocated and
justified the taking of life where I have always
stopped short in my justification, at property,
at inanimate objects. I have always said human
life is sacred, and in a woman's revolution we
respect human life, and we stop short of injury
to human life.
Now, to those people who say that women are
better treated than men when they break the
laws, to those people who say that there is no
need for women to take to methods of revolution,
I want to draw this contrast; here is Sir Edward
Carson, a man who presumably by his education
and training, ought to be more respectful of the
law than persons who are not either fit to
understand the laws or to vote for those who
make them. You have Sir Edward Carson, a
chartered libertine, going to and fro in England
and in Ireland, making these speeches; whereas
you have me, a woman arrested and charged and
sentenced to a long term of penal servitude for
doing precisely what he has done, although he
has not had the justification that I have,
because, again I want to call your attention to
the point, that Sir Edward Carson and his
friends have the vote, and therefore have the
legitimate and proper way of getting redress for
their grievances, whereas neither I nor any of
the women have any constitutional means whatever
and no legitimate, recognized methods of getting
redress or our grievances except the methods of
revolution and violence.
Well now, I want to argue with you as to whether
our way is the right one: I want to explain all
these things that you have not understood: I
want to make you understand exactly what our
plan of campaign has been because I have always
felt that if you could only make people
understand most people's hearts are in the right
place and most people's understandings are sound
and most people are more or less logical - if
you could only make them understand.
Now, I want to come back to the point where I
said, if the men of Hartford had a grievance and
had no vote to get their redress, if they felt
that grievance sufficiently, they would be
forced to adopt other methods. That brings me to
an explanation of these methods that you have
not been able to understand. I am going to talk
later on about the grievances, but I want to
first of all make you understand that this civil
war carried on by women is not the hysterical
manifestation which you thought it was, but was
carefully and logically thought out, and I think
when I have finished you will say, admitted the
grievance, admitted the strength of the cause,
that we could not do anything else, that there
was no other way, that we had either to submit
to intolerable injustice and let the woman's
movement go back and remain in a worse position
than it was before we began, or we had to go on
with these methods until victory was secured;
and I want also to convince you that these
methods are going to win, because when you adopt
the methods of revolution there are two
justifications which I feel are necessary or to
be desired. The first is, that you have good
cause for adopting your methods in the
beginning, and secondly that you have adopted
methods which when pursued with sufficient
courage and determination are bound, in the long
run, to win.
Now, it would take too long to trace the course
of militant methods as adopted by women, because
it is about eight years since the word militant
was first used to describe what we were doing;
it is about eight years since the first militant
action was taken by women. It was not militant
at all, except that it provoked militancy on the
part of those who were opposed to it. When women
asked questions in political meetings and failed
to get answers, they were not doing anything
militant. To ask questions at political meetings
is an acknowledged right of all people who
attend public meetings; certainly in my country,
men have always done it, and I hope they do it
in America, because it seems to me that if you
allow people to enter your legislatures without
asking them any questions as to what they are
going to do when they get there you are not
exercising your citizen rights and your citizen
duties as you ought. At any rate in Great
Britain it is a custom, a time-honored one, to
ask questions of candidates for parliament and
ask questions of members of the government. No
man was ever put out of a public meeting for
asking a question until Votes for Women came
onto the political horizon. The first people who
were put out of a political meeting for asking
questions, were women; they were brutally
ill-used; they found themselves in jail before
twenty-four hours had expired.
But instead of the newspapers, which are largely
inspired by the politicians, putting militancy
and the reproach of militancy, if reproach there
is, on the people who had assaulted the women,
they actually said it was the women who were
militant and very much to blame. How different
the reasoning is that men adopt when they are
discussing the cases of men and those of women.
Had they been men who asked the questions, and
had those men been brutally ill-used, you would
have heard a chorus of reprobation on the part
of the people toward those who refused to answer
those questions. But as they were women who
asked the questions, it was not the speakers on
the platform who would not answer them, who were
to blame, or the ushers at the meeting; it was
the poor women who had had their bruises and
their knocks and scratches, and who were put
into prison for doing precisely nothing but
holding a protest meeting in the street after it
was all over. However, we were called militant
for doing that, and we were quite willing to
accept the name, because militancy for us is
time-honored; you have the church militant, and
in the sense of spiritual militancy we were very
militant indeed. We were determined to press
this question of the enfranchisement of women to
the point where we were no longer to be ignored
by the politicians as had been the case for
about fifty years, during which time women had
patiently used every means open to them to win
their political enfranchisement.
We found that all the fine phrases about freedom
and liberty were entirely for male consumption,
and that they did not in any way apply to women.
When it was said taxation without representation
is tyranny, when it was "Taxation of men without
representation is tyranny," everybody quite
calmly accepted the fact that women had to pay
taxes and even were sent to prison if they
failed to pay them - quite right. We found that
"Government of the people, by the people and for
the people," which is also a time-honored
Liberal principle, was again only for male
consumption; half of the people were entirely
ignored; it was the duty of women to pay their
taxes and obey the laws and look as pleasant as
they could under the circumstances. In fact,
every principle of liberty enunciated in any
civilized country on earth, with very few
exceptions, was intended entirely for men, and
when women tried to force the putting into
practice of these principles, for women, then
they discovered they had come into a very, very
unpleasant situation indeed.
Now, I am going to pass rapidly over all the
incidents that happened after the two first
women went to prison for asking questions of
cabinet ministers, and come right up to the time
when our militancy became real militancy, when
we organized ourselves on an army basis, when we
determined, if necessary, to fight for our
rights just as our forefathers had fought for
their rights. Then people began to say that
while they believed they had no criticism of
militancy, as militancy, while they thought it
was quite justifiable for people to revolt
against intolerable injustice, it was absurd and
ridiculous for women to attempt it because women
could not succeed. After all the most practical
criticism of our militancy coming from men has
been the argument that it could not succeed.
They would say, "We would be with you if you
could succeed but it is absurd for women who are
the weaker sex, for women who have not got the
control of any large interests, for women who
have got very little money, who have peculiar
duties as women, which handicaps them extremely
- for example, the duty of caring for children -
it is absurd for women to think they can ever
win their rights by fighting; you had far better
give it up and submit because there it is, you
have always been subject and you always will
be." Well now, that really became the testing
time. Then we women determined to show the
world, that women, handicapped as women are, can
still fight and can still win, and now I want to
show you how this plan of ours was carefully
thought out, even our attacks on private
property, which has been so much misunderstood.
I have managed in London to make audiences of
business men who came into the meetings very,
very angry with us indeed, some of whom had
their telephonic communication cut off for
several hours and had not been able to even get
telegrams from their stock-brokers in cities far
distant, who naturally came to our meetings in a
very angry frame of mind, understand the
situation: and if it has been possible to make
them understand, if some of them even get fairly
enthusiastic about our methods, it ought to be
possible, Mrs. Hepburn, for me to explain the
situation to an audience in Hartford, who, after
all, are far enough off to be able to see,
unlike men in our own country who are not able
to see wood for trees.
I would like to suggest that if later on, while
I am explaining these matters to you, there
comes into the mind of any man or woman in the
audience some better plan for getting what we
want out of an obstinate government, I would be
thankful and grateful if that person, man or
woman, would tell me of some better plan than
ours for dealing with the situation.
Here we have a political system where no reforms
can get onto the statute book of the old country
unless it is initiated by the government of the
country, by the cabinet, by the handful of
people who really govern the country. It doesn't
matter whether you have practically every member
of parliament on your side, you cannot get what
you want unless the cabinet initiate
legislation, a situation by which the private
member has become almost of no account at all,
the ordinary private member of parliament. He
may introduce bills, but he knows himself that
he is only registering a pious opinion of a
certain number of electors in his constituency;
it may be his own; but that pious opinion will
never find its way onto the statute book of his
country until the government in power, the prime
minister and his colleagues, introduces a
government measure to carry that reform. Well
then, the whole problem of people who want
reform is, to bring enough political pressure to
bear upon the government to lead them to
initiate, to draft a bill, and introduce it in
the first instance, into the House of Commons,
force it through the House of Commons, press it
through the House of Lords, and finally land it
safely, having passed through the shoals and
rapids of the parliamentary river, safely on the
statute book as an Act of Parliament. Well,
combinations of voters have tried for
generations, even with the power of the vote, to
get their reforms registered in legislation, and
have failed. You have to get your cause made a
first class measure; you have to make the
situation in the country so urgent and so
pressing that it has become politically
dangerous for the government to neglect that
question any longer, so politically expedient
for them to do it that they realize they cannot
present themselves to the country at the next
general election unless it has been done.
Well, that was the problem we had to face, and
we faced it, a mere handful of women. Well,
whether you like our methods or not, we have
succeeded in making woman suffrage one of the
questions which even cabinet ministers now admit
cannot indefinitely be neglected. It must be
dealt with within a very short period of time.
No other methods than ours would have brought
about that result. You may have sentimental
articles in magazines by the chancellor of the
exchequer who seems to be able to spare time
from his ordinary avocations to write magazine
articles telling you that militancy is a drag on
the movement for woman suffrage. But our answer
to that is, methinks our gentlemen doth protest
too much, because until militancy became to be
known neither Mr. Lloyd George nor any
statesman, no, nor any member of parliament,
ever thought it was necessary to mention the
subject of woman suffrage at all. Now they
mention it constantly, to tell us what damage we
have done to our cause. They are all urging us
to consider the serious position into which we
have brought the cause of woman suffrage.
Well now, let me come to the situation as we
find it. We felt we had to rouse the public to
such a point that they would say to the
government, you must give women the vote. We had
to get the electors, we had to get the business
interests, we had to get the professional
interests, we had to get the men of leisure all
unitedly saying to the government, relieve the
strain of this situation and give women the
vote; and that is a problem that I think the
most astute politician in this meeting would
find very difficult. We have done it; we are
doing it every day; and I think when you take
that fact into consideration you will realize
why we have been attacking private property, why
we have been attacking the property of men so
absorbed in their business that they generally
forget to vote in ordinary elections, why we
have attacked the pleasures of men whose whole
life is spent in a round of pleasure, and who
think politics so dull and so beneath their
distinguished ossification that they hardly know
which party is in power. All these people have
had to be moved in order to bring enough
pressure to bear upon the government to compel
them to deal with the question of woman
suffrage. And now that in itself is an
explanation. There is a homely English proverb
which may help to clear the situation which is
this: "You cannot rouse the Britisher unless you
touch his pocket." That is literally true.
Perhaps you now can understand why we women
thought we must attack the thing that was of
most value in modem life in order to make these
people wake up and realize that women wanted the
vote, and that things were going to be very
uncomfortable until women got the vote, because
it is not by making people comfortable you get
things in practical life, it is by making them
uncomfortable. That is a homely truth that all
of us have to learn.
I don't know, Mrs. Hepburn, whether I have used
the domestic illustration in Hartford, but it is
a very good one: it is quite worth using again.
You have two babies very hungry and wanting to
be fed. One baby is a patient baby, and waits
indefinitely until its mother is ready to feed
it. The other baby is an impatient baby and
cries lustily, screams and kicks and makes
everybody unpleasant until it is fed. Well, we
know perfectly well which baby is attended to
first. That is the whole history of politics.
Putting sentiment aside, people who really want
reforms learn that lesson very quickly. It is
only the people who are quite content to go on
advocating them indefinitely who play the part
of the patient baby in politics. You have to
make more noise than anybody else, you have to
make yourself more obtrusive than anybody else,
you have to fill all the papers more than
anybody else, in fact you have to be there all
the time and see that they do not snow you
under, if you are really going to get your
reform realized.
That is what we women have been doing, and in
the course of our desperate struggle we have had
to make a great many people very uncomfortable.
Now, one woman was arrested on an occasion when
a great many windows were broken in London, as a
protest against a piece of trickery on the part
of the government, which will be incredible in
fifty years, when the history of the movement is
read. Women broke some windows as a protest:
they broke a good many shopkeepers' windows:
they broke the windows of shopkeepers where they
spent most of their money when they bought their
hats and their clothing. They also broke the
windows of many of the clubs, the smart clubs in
One of the clubs was the Guard Club. Well, the
ordinary army man is not much in politics, but
he very often, because of his aristocratic and
social connections, has considerable influence
if he would use it. One woman broke the windows
of the Guard Club, and when she broke those
windows she stood there quietly until the Guard
hall porter came out and seized her and held her
until the policemen came to take her to prison.
A number of the guards came out to see the kind
of woman it was who had broken their windows,
and they saw there a quiet little woman. She
happened to be an actress, a woman who had come
into our militant movement because she knew of
the difficulties and dangers and temptations of
the actress's life, of how badly paid she is,
what her private sorrows are and her
difficulties, and so she had come into the
militant movement to get votes for actresses as
quickly as possible, so that through the vote
they could secure better conditions. Some of the
guards - I think men who had never known what it
was to earn a living, who knew nothing of the
difficulties of a man's life, let alone the
difficulties of a woman's life - came out, and
they said: "Why did you break our windows? We
have done nothing." She said: "It is because you
have done nothing I have broken your windows."
And perhaps out of that woman's breaking of
windows has come this new movement of men of my
country, where we find distinguished men who
fought through the Boer war are drilling now
like Sir Edward Carson in Belfast, drilling men
in order to form a bodyguard to protect the
militant women. Probably that broken window of
the Guard Club did a good deal to rouse men to
the defense of women and to the injustice of
their situation.
Well, then the shopkeepers who could not
understand why we should break the shopkeepers'
windows. Why should we alienate the sympathy of
the shopkeepers? Well, there is the other side
of the question, gentlemen - why should the
shopkeepers alienate the sympathy of their
customers by refusing to help them to get
political power, some power to make the
condition of the woman who helps to earn the
shopkeepers money by serving in his shop, easier
than it is at the present time? Those women
broke shopkeepers' windows, and what was the
situation? Just at the beginning of the winter
season when all the new winter hats and coats
were being shown, the shopkeepers had to
barricade all their windows with wood and nobody
could see the new winter fashions. Well, there
again is an impossible situation. The shopkeeper
cannot afford to quarrel with his customers, and
we have today far more practical sympathy
amongst the shopkeepers of London than we ever
had when we were quiet, gentle, ladylike
suffragists asking nicely for a vote.
Well then, there were the men of pleasure, or
the businessmen who were so busy earning money
during the week that all they could think of
when the week came to an end was recreation, and
the great recreation in England today is playing
golf. Everywhere on Saturday you see men
streaming away into the country for the weekend
to play golf. They so monopolize the golf links
that they have made a rule that although the
ladies may play golf all the week, the golf
links are entirely reserved for men on Saturday
and Sunday: and you have this spectacle of the
exodus of men from London into the country to
fill up the week-end with playing golf. They are
not, ladies, putting their heads together
thinking how best they can govern the country
for you, what good laws they can make for you
and for the world: they are there, all of them,
getting their health, and I do not blame them
for it, at the week-end. Well, we attacked the
golf links; we wanted to make them think, and if
you had been in London and taken a Sunday paper
you would have read, especially if you played
golf, with consternation, that all the beautiful
greens that had taken years to make, had been
cut up or destroyed with an acid or made almost
impossible to play upon on the Friday night, and
in many cases there were going to be important
matches on the Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
Just to give you an illustration of the
effectiveness of these methods in waking the
Britisher up, in conveying to him that women
want the vote and are going to get it even if we
do not adopt quite the men's methods in order to
do so. I was staying at a little house in the
country on a golf links, a house that had been
loaned to me to use whenever I could get away
from my work, and several times in the course of
that Sunday morning I got telephone calls from
gentlemen who were prominent members of golf
clubs in that vicinity. It so happened that the
golf links where I was spending the weekend, had
not been touched. Those links had been respected
because some of the prominent women suffragettes
happened to be members of the club, and those
women who destroyed the greens - I don't know
who they were, but it was no doubt done by women
- spared the links where these women, whom they
admired and respected, played. Well, then that
morning I was rung up over and over again by
excited gentlemen who begged that those golf
links should be spared, saying: "I don't know
whether your followers know that we are all
suffragists, on our committee, we are entirely
in favor of woman suffrage." And I said: "Well,
don't you think you had better tell Mr. Asquith
so, because if you are suffragists and do
nothing, naturally you will only add to the
indignation of the women. If you really want
your golf links spared you had better intimate
to Mr. Asquith that you think it is high time he
put his principles into practice and gave the
women the vote." There was another gentleman who
rang up and said: "The members of our committee,
who are all suffragists, are seriously
considering turning all the women members out of
the club if this sort of thing goes on." "Well,"
I said, "don't you think your greater safety is
to keep the women in the club as a sort of
insurance policy against anything happening to
your links?"
But this experience will show you that if you
really want to get anything done, it is not so
much a matter of whether you alienate sympathy;
sympathy is a very unsatisfactory thing if it is
not practical sympathy. It does not matter to
the practical suffragist whether she alienates
sympathy that was never of any use to her. What
she wants is to get something practical done,
and whether it is done out of sympathy or
whether it is done out of fear, or whether it is
done because you want to be comfortable again
and not be worried in this way, doesn't
particularly matter so long as you get it. We
had enough of sympathy for fifty years; it never
brought us anything, and we would rather have an
angry man going to the government and saying, my
business is interfered with and I won't submit
to its being interfered with any longer because
you won't give women the vote, than to have a
gentleman come onto our platforms year in and
year out and talk about his ardent sympathy with
woman suffrage.
Now then, let me come to the more serious
matters and to some of the more recent
happenings. You know when you have war, many
things happen that all of us deplore. We fought
a great war not very long ago, in South Africa.
Women were expected to face with equanimity the
loss of those dearest to them in warfare; they
were expected to submit to being impoverished;
they were expected to pay the war tax exactly
like the men for a war about which the women
were never consulted at all. When you think of
the object of that war it really makes some of
us feel very indignant at the hypocrisy of some
of our critics. That war was fought ostensibly
to get equal rights for all whites in South
Africa. The whole country went wild. We had a
disease which was called Mafeka, because when
the victory of Mafeking was declared everybody
in the country, except a few people who tried to
keep their heads steady, went absolutely mad
with gratification at the sacrifice of thousands
of human beings in the carrying on of that war.
That war was fought to get votes for white men
in South Africa, a few years sooner than they
would have had them under existing conditions,
and it was justified on those grounds, to get a
voice in the government of South Africa for men
who would have had that voice in five or six
years if they had waited. That was considered
ample justification for one of the most costly
and bloody wars of modern times.
Very well, then when you have warfare things
happen; people suffer; the noncombatants suffer
as well as the combatants. And so it happens in
civil war. When your forefathers threw the tea
into Boston harbor, a good many women had to go
without their tea. It has always seemed to me an
extraordinary thing that you did not follow it
up by throwing the whiskey overboard; you
sacrificed the women; and there is a good deal
of warfare for which men take a great deal of
glorification which has involved more practical
sacrifice on women than it has on any man. It
always has been so. The grievances of those who
have got power, the influence of those who have
got power commands a great deal of attention;
but the wrongs and the grievances of those
people who have no power at all are apt to be
absolutely ignored. That is the history of
humanity right from the beginning.
Well, in our civil war people have suffered, but
you cannot make omelets without breaking eggs;
you cannot have civil war without damage to
something. The great thing is to see that no
more damage is done than is absolutely
necessary, that you do just as much as will
arouse enough feeling to bring about peace, to
bring about an honorable peace for the
combatants, and that is what we have been doing.
Within the last few days you have read - I don't
know how accurate the news cables are to
America. I always take them with a grain of salt
- but you have read within the last few days
that some more empty houses have been burned,
that a cactus house has been destroyed and some
valuable plants have suffered in that house,
that some pavilion at a pleasure ground has also
been burned. Well, it is quite possible that it
has happened.
I knew before I came here that for one whole day
telegraphic and telephonic communication between
Glasgow and London was entirely suspended. We do
more in England in our civil war without the
sacrifice of a single life than they did in the
war of the Balkan States when they had the siege
of Adrianople, because during the whole of that
siege, in the course of which thousands of
people were killed and houses were shelled and
destroyed, telegraphic communication was
continuous the whole time. If there had been a
stock broker in Adrianople who wanted to
communicate with a customer in London, he could
have done it; there might have been a little
delay, but he was able to do it, but we, without
the loss of a single life in our war, in this
effort to rouse business men to compel the
government to give us the vote, because they are
the people who can do it in the last resort, we
entirely prevented stock brokers in London from
telegraphing to stock brokers in Glasgow and
vice versa: for one whole day telegraphic and
telephonic communication was entirely stopped. I
am not going to tell you how it was done. I am
not going to tell you how the women got to the
mains and cut the wires; but it was done. It was
done, and it was proved to the authorities that
weak women, suffrage women, as we are supposed
to be, had enough ingenuity to create a
situation of that kind. Now, I ask you, if women
can do that, is there any limit to what we can
do except the limit we put upon ourselves?
If you are dealing with an industrial
revolution, if you get the men and women of one
class to rising up against the men and women of
another class, you can locate the difficulty; if
there is a great industrial strike, you know
exactly where the violence is, and every man
knows exactly how the warfare is going to be
waged; but in our war against the government you
can't locate it. You can take Mrs. Hepburn and
myself on this platform, and now, without being
told, how could you tell that Mrs. Hepburn is a
non-militant and that I am a militant?
Absolutely impossible. If any gentleman who is
the father of daughters in this meeting went
into his home and looked around at his wife and
daughters, if he lived in England and was an
Englishman, he couldn't tell whether some of his
daughters were militants or non-militants. When
his daughters went out to post a letter, he
couldn't tell if they went harmlessly out to
make a tennis engagement at that pillar-box by
posting a letter, or whether they went to put
some corrosive matter in that would burn all the
letters up inside of that box. We wear no mark;
we belong to every class; we permeate every
class of the community from the highest to the
lowest; and so you see in the woman's civil war
the dear men of my country are discovering it is
absolutely impossible to deal with it: you
cannot locate it, and you cannot stop it.
"Put them in prison," they said, "that will stop
it." But it didn't stop it. They put women in
prison for long terms of imprisonment, for
making a nuisance of themselves - that was the
expression when they took petitions in their
hands to the door of the House of Commons; and
they thought that by sending them to prison,
giving them a day's imprisonment, would cause
them to all settle down again and there would be
no further trouble. But it didn't happen so at
all: instead of the women giving it up, more
women did it, and more and more and more women
did it until there were three hundred women at a
time, who had not broken a single law, only
"made a nuisance of themselves" as the
politicians say. Well then they thought they
must go a little farther, and so then they began
imposing punishments of a very serious kind. The
judge who sentenced me last May to three years
penal servitude for certain speeches in which I
had accepted responsibility for acts of violence
done by other women, said that if I could say I
was sorry, if I could promise not to do it
again, that he would revise the sentence and
shorten it, because he admitted that it was a
very heavy sentence, especially as the jury
recommended me to mercy because of the purity of
my motives; and he said he was giving me a
determinate sentence, a sentence that would
convince me that I would give up my "evil ways"
and would also deter other women from imitating
me. But it hadn't that effect at all. So far
from it having that effect more and more women
have been doing these things and I had incited
them to do, and were more determined in doing
them: so that the long determinate sentence had
no effect in crushing the agitation.
Well then they felt they must do something else,
and they began to legislate. I want to tell men
in this meeting that the British government,
which is not remarkable for having very mild
laws to administer, has passed more stringent
laws to deal with this agitation than it ever
found it necessary during all the history of
political agitation in my country. They were
able to deal with the revolutionaries of the
Chartists' time; they were able to deal with the
trades union agitation; they were able to deal
with the revolutionaries later on when the
Reform Acts of 1867 and 1884 were passed: but
the ordinary law has not sufficed to curb
insurgent women. They have had to pass special
legislation, and now they are on the point of
admitting that that special legislation has
absolutely failed. They had to dip back into the
middle ages to find a means of repressing the
women in revolt, and the whole history shows how
futile it is for men who have been considered
able statesmen to deal with dissatisfied women
who are determined to win their citizenship and
who will not submit to government until their
consent is obtained. That is the whole point of
our agitation. The whole argument with the
anti-suffragists, or even the critical
suffragist man, is this: that you can govern
human beings without their consent.
They have said to us government rests upon
force, the women haven't force so they must
submit. Well, we are showing them that
government does not rest upon force at all: it
rests upon consent. As long as women consent to
be unjustly governed, they can be, but directly
women say: "We withhold our consent, we will not
be governed any longer so long as that
government is unjust." Not by the forces of
civil war can you govern the very weakest woman.
You can kill that woman, but she escapes you
then; you cannot govern her. And that is, I
think, a most valuable demonstration we have
been making to the world. We have been proving
in our own person that government does not rest
upon force; it rests upon consent; as long as
people consent to government, it is perfectly
easy to govern, but directly they refuse then no
power on earth can govern a human being, however
feeble, who withholds his or her consent: and
all of the strange happenings that you have read
about over here, have been manifestations of a
refusal to consent on the part of the women.
When they put us in prison at first, simply for
taking petitions, we submitted; we allowed them
to dress us in prison clothes; we allowed them
to put us in solitary confinement; we allowed
them to treat us as ordinary criminals, and put
us amongst the most degraded of those criminals:
and we were very glad of the experience, because
out of that experience we learned of the need
for prison reform; we learned of the fearful
mistakes that men of all nations have made when
it is a question of dealing with human beings;
we learned of some of the appalling evils of our
so-called civilization that we could not have
learned in any other way except by going through
the police courts of our country, in the prison
vans that take you up to prison and right
through that prison experience. It was valuable
experience, and we were glad to get it. But
there came a time when we said: "It is unjust to
send political agitators to prison in this way
for merely asking for justice, and we will not
submit any longer."
And I am always glad to remind American
audiences that two of the first women that came
to the conclusion that they would not submit to
unjust imprisonment any longer were two American
girls who are doing some of the most splendid
suffrage work in America today up in Washington.
I think they are making things extremely lively
for the politicians up there, and I don't know
whether every American woman knows what those
two women, working in conjunction with others,
are doing for the enfranchisement of American
women at this moment. I am always proud to think
that Miss Lucy Burns and Miss Alice Paul served
their suffrage apprenticeship in the militant
ranks in England, and they were not slow about
it either because one of them came, I believe it
was, from Heidelberg, travelling all night, to
take part in one of those little processions to
Parliament with a petition. She was arrested and
thrown into prison with about twenty others, and
that group of twenty women were the first women
who decided they would not submit themselves to
the degradation of wearing prison clothes; and
they refused, and they were almost the first to
adopt the "hunger strike" as a protest against
the criminal treatment. They forced their way
out of prison. Well, then it was that women
began to withhold their consent.
I have been in audiences where I have seen men
smile when they heard the words "hunger strike",
and yet I think there are very few men today who
would be prepared to adopt a "hunger strike" for
any cause. It is only people who feel an
intolerable sense of oppression who would adopt
a means of that kind. I know of no people who
did it before us except revolutionaries in
Russia - who adopted the hunger strike against
intolerable prison conditions. Well, our women
decided to terminate those unjust sentences at
the earliest possible moment by the terrible
means of the hunger strike. It means, you refuse
food until you are at death's door, and then the
authorities have to choose between letting you
die, and letting you go; and then they let the
women go.
Now, that went on so long that the government
felt they had lost their power, and that they
were unable to cope with the situation. Then it
was that, to the shame of the British
government, they set the example to authorities
all over the world of feeding sane, resisting
human beings by force. There may be doctors in
this meeting: if so, they know it is one thing
to treat an insane person, to feed by force an
insane person, or a patient who has some form of
illness which makes it necessary; but it is
quite another thing to feed a sane, resisting
human being who resists with every nerve and
with every fiber of her body the indignity and
the outrage of forcible feeding. Now, that was
done in England, and the government thought they
had crushed us. But they found that it did not
quell the agitation, that more and more women
came in and even passed that terrible ordeal,
and that they were not able with all their
forcible feeding to make women serve out their
unjust sentences. They were obliged to let them
Then came the legislation to which I have
referred, the legislation which is known in
England as the "Cat and Mouse Act". It got
through the British House of Commons because the
home secretary assured the House of Commons that
he wanted the bill passed in the interests of
humanity. He said he was a humane man and he did
not like having to resort to forcible feeding;
he wanted the House of Commons to give him some
way of disposing of them, and this was his way:
he said, "Give me the power to let these women
go when they are at death's door, and leave them
at liberty under license until they have
recovered their health again and then bring them
back; leave it to me to fix the time of their
licenses: leave it in my hands altogether to
deal with this intolerable situation, because
the laws must be obeyed and people who are
sentenced for breaking the law must he compelled
to serve their sentences." Well, the House of
Commons passed the law. They said: "As soon as
the women get a taste of this they will give it
up." In fact, it was passed to repress the
agitation, to make the women yield - because
that is what it has really come to, ladies and
gentlemen. It has come to a battle between the
women and the government as to who shall yield
first, whether they will yield and give us the
vote, or whether we will give up our agitation.
Well, they little know what women are. Women are
very slow to rouse, but once they are aroused,
once they are determined, nothing on earth and
nothing in heaven will make women give way; it
is impossible. And so this "Cat and Mouse Act"
which is being used against women today has
failed: and the home secretary has taken
advantage of the fact that parliament is not
sitting, to revive and use alongside of it the
forcible feeding. At the present time there are
women lying at death's door, recovering enough
strength to undergo operations, who have had
both systems applied to them, and have not given
in and won't give in, and who will be prepared,
as soon as they get up from their sick beds, to
go on as before. There are women who are being
carried from their sick beds on stretchers into
meetings. They are too weak to speak, but they
go amongst their fellow workers just to show
that their spirits are unquenched, and that
their spirit is alive, and they mean to go on as
long as life lasts.
Now, I want to say to you who think women cannot
succeed, we have brought the government of
England to this position, that it has to face
this alternative: either women are to be killed
or women are to have the vote. I ask American
men in this meeting, what would you say if in
your state you were faced with that alternative,
that you must either kill them or give them
their citizenship - women, many of whom you
respect, women whom you know have lived useful
lives, women whom you know, even If you do not
know them personally, are animated with the
highest motives, women who are in pursuit of
liberty and the power to do useful public
service? Well, there is only one answer to that
alternative; there is only one way out of it,
unless you are prepared to put back civilization
two or three generations: you must give those
women the vote. Now that is the outcome of our
civil war.
You won your
freedom in America when you had the revolution,
by bloodshed, by sacrificing human life. You won
the civil war by the sacrifice of human life
when you decided to emancipate the negro. You
have left it to women in your land, the men of
all civilized countries have left it to women,
to work out their own salvation. That is the way
in which we women of England are doing. Human
life for us is sacred, but we say if any life is
to be sacrificed it shall be ours; we won't do
it ourselves, but we will put the enemy in the
position where they will have to choose between
giving us freedom or giving us death.
Now whether you approve of us or whether you do
not, you must see that we have brought the
question of women's suffrage into a position
where it is of first rate importance, where it
can be ignored no longer. Even the most hardened
politician will hesitate to take upon himself
directly the responsibility of sacrificing the
lives of women of undoubted honor, of undoubted
earnestness of purpose. That is the political
situation as I lay it before you today.
Now then, let me say something about what has
brought it about because you must realize that
only the very strongest of motives would lead
women to do what we have done. Life is sweet to
all of us. Every human being loves life and
loves to enjoy the good things and the happiness
that life gives: and yet we have a state of
things in England that has made not two or three
women but thousands of women quite prepared to
face these terrible situations that I have been
trying without any kind of passion or
exaggeration to lay before you.
Well, I might spend two or three nights dealing
with the industrial situation as it affects
women, with the legal position of women, with
the social position of women. I want very
briefly to say a few words about all. First of
all there is the condition of the working woman.
One of the things which gives strength to our
agitation is that the women who are taking an
active part in it are not the poorest women, are
not the overworked women; they are the women who
are held to be fortunate, the women who have no
special personal grievance of their own. Those
women have taken up this fight for their own
sake, it is true, because they wish to be free,
but chiefly for the sake of the women less
fortunate than themselves. The industrial
workers of Great Britain have an average wage,
mind you, not a minimum wage, an average wage,
of less than two dollars a week. Think what
would happen in any country if the men in
industry of that country had to subsist on a
wage like that. Thousands upon thousands of
these women - because there are over five
million wage earners in my country - thousands
of these women have dependents; they are women
with children dependent upon them, deserted
wives with children dependent on them, or wives
with sick husbands; they are unmarried mothers,
or they are unmarried women who have old parents
or younger brothers and sisters, or sick
relatives dependent upon them. Their average
income, taking the highly skilled woman teacher
and averaging her wage with the unskilled home
worker, the average income is less than two
dollars a week. There you have in itself an
explanation of an uprising of a very determined
kind to secure better conditions; and when you
know that the government is the largest employer
of all the employers and sets a horribly bad
example to the private employer in the wages
that it pays to women, there you have another
explanation. Constant economies are being
affected in government departments by the
substitution of women's labor for men's, and
there is always a reduction in wages whenever
women are employed. That is the industrial
situation. To speak of the sweated home-worker
would take too long, but there are women, women
even with dependents, only able to earn three or
four shillings a week, thousands of them, and
having to pay with the increased cost of living,
exorbitant rents in our great cities for single
rooms, so that you get several families in one
room: they cannot afford even to have a room for
themselves. So much for the industrial
Then there is the legal situation. The marriage
laws of our country are bringing hundreds and
hundreds of women into the militant ranks
because we cannot get reform, the kind of reform
that women want, of our marriage laws. First of
all, a girl is held marriageable by English law,
at the age of twelve years. When I was on trial
they produced a little girl as a witness, a
little girl who had found something in the
neighborhood of the house of the chancellor of
the exchequer, which was destroyed by some
women, and this little girl was produced as a
witness. It was said that it was a terrible
thing to bring a little girl of twelve years of
age and put her in the witness box in a court of
law. I agreed, but I pointed out to the judge
and the jury that one of the reasons why women
were in revolt was because that little girl,
whose head just appeared over the top of the
witness box, was considered old enough by the
laws of her country to take upon herself the
terrible responsibilities of wifehood and
motherhood, and women could not get it altered,
no politicians would listen to us, when we asked
to have the marriage law altered in that
Then, the position of the wife. It is very
frequently said that every woman who wants a
vote, wants a vote because she has been
disappointed, because she has not been chosen to
be a wife. Well, I can assure you that if most
women made a study of the laws before they
decided to get married, a great many women would
seriously consider whether it was worthwhile,
whether the price was not too heavy, because,
according to English law, a woman may toil all
her life for her husband and her family, she may
work in her husband's business, she may help him
to build up the family income, and if he chooses
at the end of a long life to take every penny of
the money that woman has helped to earn away
from her and her children, he can do it, and she
has no redress. She may at the end of a long,
hard life find herself and her children
absolutely penniless because her husband has
chosen to will the money away from her. So that
you see when you look at it from the legal point
of view, it is not such a very, very great gain
to become a wife in my country. There are a
great many risks that go along with it.
Then take her as a mother. If the child of two
parents has any property inherited from
relatives, and that child dies before it is of
age to make a will, or without making a will,
the only person who inherits the property of
that child is the child's father; the mother
does not exist as her child's heir at all; and
during the father's lifetime she not only cannot
inherit from her child but she has no voice
whatever in deciding the life of her child. Her
husband can give the child away to be educated
somewhere else or he can bring whomever he
pleases into the house to educate the child. He
decides absolutely the conditions in which that
child is to live; he decides how it is to be
educated; he can even decide what religion it is
to profess, and the mother's consent is not
obtained to any of these decisions. Women are
trying to alter it, have tried for generations,
but they cannot because the legislatures have no
time to listen to the opinions and the desires
of people who have no votes.
Well then, when it comes to the question of how
people are to get out of marriage, if they are
unhappy, under the laws of divorce, the English
law of divorce is the most scandalous divorce
law in the civilized world. There may be a few
states in America, and I believe in Canada,
where the same law obtains, but the English
divorce law is in itself such a stigma upon
women, such a degradation to women, such an
invitation to immorality on the part of the
married man, that I think that divorce law in
itself would justify a rebellion on the part of
the women. You get registered in law unequal
standards of morals in marriage, and a married
man is encouraged by law to think that he can
make as many lapses as he thinks fit in marital
fidelity; whereas, if one act of infidelity is
proved against her the husband can get rid of
her by divorce, can take her children away from
her and make her an outcast. Women who have been
clamoring for an equal divorce law for
generations cannot get any attention. Well now,
we have had a royal commission on divorce and we
have had a report, but there is no security for
women that they are to have justice under a new
law so long as men are chosen by men to
legislate and those men are likely to register
the moral opinions of men, not the moral
opinions of women, in legislation.
We have to look facts in the face. Part of the
militant movement for woman suffrage has had
that effect, that women have learned to look
facts in the face; they have got rid of
sentimentalities; they are looking at actual
facts: and when anti-suffragists talk about
chivalry, and when they talk about putting women
on pedestals and guarding them from all the
difficulties and dangers of life, we look to the
facts in life as we see them and we say: "Women
have every reason to distrust that kind of
thing, every reason to be dissatisfied; we want
to know the truth however bad it is, and we face
that truth because it is only through knowing
the truth that you ever will get to anything
better." We are determined to have these things
faced and cleared up, and it is absolutely
ridiculous to say to women that they can safely
trust their interests in the hands of men who
have already registered in the legislation of
their country a standard of morals so unequal
for both sexes as we find on the statute books
of England today.
When the divorce commission sat, evidence was
given by all kinds of people, and women had the
experience of reading in the newspapers the
evidence of the man who had been chosen by other
men to preside over the divorce court, the judge
whose duty it was to decide what was legal
cruelty and decide whether women were to
continue to be bound to their husbands or not.
What did he say? I am glad to think that he is
not in a position to give effect to his ideas
any more; he now adorns the House of Lords: but
he was still judge of the divorce court when he
said, that in his opinion the wise wife was the
woman who closed her eyes to the moral failings
of her husband; and that was the man, women in
this meeting, who had for years decided what was
legal cruelty and what women were to endure or
what they were not to endure in that
relationship of husband and wife.
Well, can you wonder that all these things make
us more militant? It seems to me that once you
look at things from the woman's point of view,
once you cease to listen to politicians, once
you cease to allow yourself to look at the facts
of life through men's spectacles but look at
them through your own, every day that passes you
are having fresh illustrations of the need there
is for women to refuse to wait any longer for
their enfranchisement.
Then, the latest manifestation, the latest cause
of militancy has been the breaking of the great
conspiracy of silence with regard to moral
questions and the question of social disease
that we have had during the last few years. I
want to offer my testimony of gratitude to women
like the lady who presides over us today and to
the many of the medical men of the United States
in making a lead in that direction. Before some
of the suffragists had the courage even to study
the question, these people spoke out; the
medical profession in America has led the way,
and through Dr Prince Morrow, and other men
whose names we honor, we are at last beginning
to know the real facts of the situation. We know
this, that whatever women's wishes might be, it
is their duty for the sake of the race, itself,
to save the race, to insist upon having this
question of the moral health of the nation
approached from the women's point of view and
settled by women in cooperation with men. It is
our business to show the close relationship
there is between the appalling state of social
health and the political degradation of women.
The two things go hand in hand. I have been
reading a great many articles by very profound
thinkers lately, and I see that somehow or other
when you get men writing about them, even the
best of men, they do evade the real issue, and
that is, the status of women.
We women see so clearly the fact that the only
way to deal with this thing is to raise the
status of women; first the political status,
then the industrial and the social status of
women. You must make women count as much as men;
you must have an equal standard of morals; and
the only way to enforce that is through giving
women political power so that you can get that
equal moral standard registered in the laws of
the country. It is the only way. I don't know
whether men sufficiently realize it, but we
women do realize it: we more and more realize
it, and so women have nerved themselves to speak
out on this question. First of all, we feel that
what is most important is that women should know
it. Ten years ago it would have been impossible
for any woman or any man to speak openly upon
that question on any platform, because women had
been taught that they must keep their eyes
closed to all these things; women had been
taught that they must ignore the fact even that
a large section of their sex were living lives
of degradation and outlawry. If they knew of it
at all, they were told in vague terms that it
was in order to make the lives of the rest of
the women safe; they were told it was a
necessary evil; they were told it was something
that the good woman does not understand and must
not know anything about. All that is now at an
end. Women are refusing, men in this meeting,
even if that were true, to have their lives made
safe at the expense of their sisters. The women
are determined. A good deal of the opposition to
woman suffrage is coming from the very worst
element in the population, who realize that once
you get woman suffrage, a great many places that
are tolerated today will have to disappear. It
is perhaps a hard saying for many men that there
will have to be self-control and an equal
standard of morals, but the best men now, the
scientists of every country, are supporting the
woman's point of view.
It was thirty years ago in England that a
splendid woman named Josephine Butler fought to
establish an equal moral code for both sexes.
She fought all her life; she was stoned; she was
hooted; her meetings were broken up; her life
was made absolutely dangerous; and yet that
woman persisted and she secured the repeal of
certain laws relating to prostitution which
disgraced the statute books of our country. In
those days the doctors were against her;
practically everybody was against her. Men were
told that it was necessary for their health that
we should have an unequal moral code. Now that
is all done away with and the foremost medical
men and the foremost scientists are agreeing
with the women; they are agreeing with the women
that it is quite possible, and it is necessary
for the sake of the race itself, that this equal
moral code shall be established. Well, it is
probably difficult; it is perhaps going to be
difficult for generations; but it is to come,
and it is out of the woman's movement that it is
coming, because women today who have had the
benefits of education, who have had the benefit
of medical training and who have had the benefit
of legal training, are informing their sex upon
this question, and there is a good deal of
opposition coming to it from strange directions;
even people who have self-appointed themselves
as the custodians of public morals are opposing
the facts being told.
One of the strangest things that I have
experienced for years is the fact that in New
York, quite recently, copies of our paper, The
Suffragette, in which were articles written by
my daughter, quoting the opinions of medical men
all over the world on this question, and relying
on those quotations as a statement of fact, were
offered for sale, and an attempt, a successful
attempt temporarily, was made to prevent that
paper being sold because it contained these
articles telling the truth: and a book
containing the articles in collected form
prefaced with an article telling why this book
was written, has also had an attack made upon it
by that self-constituted guardian of public
morals, Mr. Comstock, supported by certain
sections of the American press. Well, that book
is here tonight: that book is here on sale. That
book was written, not for people of my age, not
for people who if there are dangers to be faced
have either escaped or suffered from them: that
book was written for young people. That book was
written so that women should know. What is the
use of locking the stable after the horse is
stolen? Prevention is better than cure. This
book was written to convince everybody of the
danger, to point out the plain facts of the
situation, and to convince thoughtful people
that only through the emancipation of women,
only through the uplifting of women, can you
ever effectively deal with the situation. We
have tried, we women, for generations to undo
some of this evil; we have had our rescue
societies; we have made all kinds of efforts; we
have taken the poor unfortunate children who
have been the outcome of this unequal code of
morals between men and women, and what has
happened? Matters have become sadly worse; we
have scratched on the surface instead of cutting
out the root of the evil. All that is changed.
Today women are working in my country, are
sacrificing and suffering to win the political
enfranchisement of their sex, so that we may get
better laws and better administration of the
I could go on tonight pointing out to you how in
my country small crimes against property, small
thefts, small injuries to property are punished
more severely than are any crimes committed
against the physical and the moral integrity of
members of my sex. I think I have said enough at
least to make you understand that this uprising
on the part of the British women has as much
justification and as much provocation as any
uprising on the part of men in their desire for
political liberty in the past. We are not
working to get the vote. We are not going to
prison to get the vote, merely to say we have
the vote. We are going through all this to get
the vote so that by means of the vote we can
bring about better conditions not only for
ourselves but for the community as a whole.
Men have done splendid things in this world;
they have made great achievements in
engineering; they have done splendid
organization work; but they have failed, they
have miserably failed, when it has come to
dealing with the lives of human beings. They
stand self-confessed failures, because the
problems that perplex civilization are
absolutely appalling today. Well, that is the
function of women in life: it is our business to
care for human beings, and we are determined
that we must come without delay to the saving of
the race. The race must be saved, and it can
only be saved through the emancipation of women.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I want to say that I
am very thankful to you for listening to me here
tonight; I am glad if I have been able even to a
small extent to explain to you something of the
English situation. I want to say that I am not
here to apologize. I do not care very much even
whether you really understand, because when you
are in a fighting movement, a movement which
every fiber of your being has forced you to
enter, it is not the approval of other human
beings that you want; you are so concentrated on
your object that you mean to achieve that object
even if the whole world was up in arms against
you. So I am not here tonight to apologize or to
win very much your approbation. People have
said: "Why does Mrs. Pankhurst come to America?
Has she come to America to rouse American women
to be militant?" No, I have not come to America
to arouse American women to be militant. I
believe that American women, as their
earnestness increases, as they realize the need
for the enfranchisement of their sex, will find
out for themselves the best way to secure that
object. Each nation must work out its own
salvation, and so the American women will find
their own way and use their own methods capably.
Other people have said: "What right has Mrs.
Pankhurst to come to America and ask for
American dollars?" Well, I think I have the
right that all oppressed people have to ask for
practical sympathy of others freer than
themselves. Your right to send to France and ask
for help was never questioned. You did it, and
you got that help. Men of all nationalities have
come to America, and they have not gone away
empty-handed, because American sympathy has been
extended to struggling peoples all over the
In England, if you could understand it, there is
the most pathetic and the most courageous fight
going on, because you find the people whom you
have been accustomed to look upon as weak and
reliant, the people you have always thought
leaned upon other people for protection, have
stood up and are fighting for themselves. Women
have found a new kind of self-respect, a new
kind of energy, a new kind of strength: and I
think that of all oppressed peoples who might
claim your sympathy and support, women who are
fighting this fight unknown in the history of
humanity before, fighting this fight in the
twentieth century for greater powers of
self-development, self-expression and
self-government, might very well attract the
sympathy and the practical help of American
There hasn't been a victory the women of America
have won that we have not rejoiced in. I think
as we have read month by month of the new States
that have been added to the list of fully
enfranchised states, perhaps we who know how
hard the fight is, have rejoiced even more than
American women themselves.
I have heard cheers ring out in a meeting in
London when the news of some new state being
added to the list was given, cheers louder and
more enthusiastic than I have ever heard for any
victory in an American meeting. It is very true
that those who are fighting a hard battle, those
who are sacrificing greatly in order to win a
victory, appreciate victories and are more
enthusiastic when victories are won. We have
rejoiced wholeheartedly in your victories. We
feel that those victories have been easier
perhaps because of the hard times that we were
having, because out of our militant movement in
the storm centre of the suffrage movement have
gone waves that have helped to rouse women all
over the world. You could only explain the
strange phenomena in that way. Ten years ago
there was hardly any woman suffrage movement at
all. Now even in China and Japan, in India, in
Turkey, everywhere women are rising up and
asking for these larger opportunities, which
modern conditions demand that women should have:
and we women think that we have helped. Well, if
we have helped at all, if, as has been said from
the chair tonight, we have even helped to rouse
suffrage enthusiasm in Connecticut, can you
blame me very much if I come and tell you of the
desperate struggle we are having, of how the
government is trying to break us down in every
possible way, even by involving us in lawsuits,
and trying to frighten our subscribers by
threatening to prosecute even people who help us
by subscribing money? Can you wonder I come over
to America? Have you read about American dollars
that have been given the Irish law-breakers?
So here am I. I come in the intervals of prison
appearance: I come after having been four times
imprisoned under the "Cat and Mouse Act",
probably going back to be rearrested as soon as
I set my foot on British soil. I come to ask you
to help to win this fight. If we win it, this
hardest of all fights, then, to be sure, in the
future it is going to be made easier for women
all over the world to win their fight when their
time comes. So I make no apologies for coming,
and I make no apologies, Mrs. Hepburn, for
asking this audience if any of them feel
inclined to help me to take back some money from
America and put it with the money that I know
our women are raising by desperate personal
sacrifice at home, so that when we begin our
next year's campaign, facing a general election,
as probably we shall face next year, our
anxieties on the money side will not be so heavy
as they would have been if I had not found
strength and health enough to come and carry out
this somewhat arduous tour in the United States
of America.

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