Christina of Sweden 1626-1689
Christina 1626-1689
Queen Christina of
Oil on canvas.
Painting by Jacob Ferdinant Voet
National Galleries
of Scotland |
Christina, or as the Swedes spell it Kristina, was the
smart and witty daughter of
Gustav II Adolf.
Gustav was killed in the Battle of Lützen in 1632, Christina
was next in line for the throne. She became queen of Sweden in 1644 and abdicated
in 1654.
Why did she abdicate?
Nobody knows.
Christina loved the arts, and more than
anything, she loved Rome.
Here is a map of Christina's acquisitions

SWEDEN 1524-1660
Click map to enlarge
And then, of course, happened Garbo.

Greta Garbo is Queen
Christina, 1933
Go here for more on the movie
Queen Christina.
More History