Demosthenes 384-322 BC
In ancient Athens, there were two very famous men called
One was the general who fought in the
Peloponnesian War.
This one here is the politician and
Politically, Demosthenes was against a
peace treaty with
Philip II,
the king of Macedonia. Along these lines, Demosthenes delivered his
Philippics - Three, possibly four, excellent speeches to
rally his fellow Athenians against Philip.
In 341 BC, Demosthenes delivered his
Third Philippic before the
Athenian Assembly on the Pnyx Hill. It was one of Demosthenes' best
In 330 BC, Demosthenes gave another
brilliant speech,
On the

Best Speech in History
This speech was delivered in defense of
Why was Ctesiphon in need of justification? He had previously
suggested to present Demosthenes with a crown in honor of
Demosthenes' good deeds for Athens. This didn't sit well with some
of the men of Athens, especially Demosthenes' political long-time
enemy Aeschines was outraged.
Ctesiphon was tried in 330 BC and,
thanks to Demosthenes' intervention, acquitted. Aeschines had to
pack his bundle, left Athens, and settled on Rhodes.

Ancient Athens - Points of Interest
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