John Calvin 1509-1564
John Calvin was French and hence Jean Calvin,
or Cauvin.
Calvin raised quite a stir in the religion
department. He was one of the major forces in the
Reformation. He was the founder of
Calvinism, and the founding father for
The writings of John Calvin were many. One of them was called the Institutes of the Christian Religion,
written 1534 - 1536. This work became the second Bible for Reformed
John Calvin was persecuted but could
dish out as well. By no means a wuss, Calvin was the main reason why
Michael Servetus ended up burning at a stake in 1553.
John Calvin Short
1509, July 10 - Birth in Noyon, Picardy, France
1523 Studies religion at the University of Paris
1528 Studies law in Orléans and Bourges
1531 Returns to Paris. Studies Greek, Hebrew, and Latin
1533 Leaves Paris for Basel, Switzerland. Becomes a Protestant.
1536 Goes to Geneva
1538, May - Gets kicked out of Geneva, goes to Strasbourg
1541, September - Back to Geneva
1562 The
Wars of Religion in France begin
1564, May 27 - Death in Geneva, Switzerland
Here are the maps

1560 Central Europe - Religion

Europe - Religion

1562 France Religious Wars
Click map to enlarge
And here is more on
Martin Luther.
More History