Trajan 53-117
Trajan was born in Italica, Baetica, which is today's Spain
and this fact made him the first Roman emperor that was born outside
Here is a
map of Baetica.
Trajan was Roman emperor from 98 - 117.
His original name was
Marcus Ulpius Traianus.
In the year 97, Trajan was adopted by
Emperor Nerva and took on the new name Caesar Nerva
Traianus Germanicus.
Nerva died and in the year 98, Trajan
became emperor himself, which called for another name change. He was
now Caesar Divi Nervae Filius Nerva Traianus Optimus Augustus.
Trajan carried out many building
projects. Actually, under Trajan, the empire acquired its greatest
territorial extent by his conquests in Dacia and in the East.
Here is a
map of Dacia.
Among other things, Trajan built an aqueduct, the location of
which you can track on
this map, a
theater and the Forum of Trajan.
Trajan's successor was his nephew
Hadrian, who shared the same home
Hadrian abandoned the provinces beyond
the Euphrates, which Trajan had conquered.
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