Map Description
History Map of England and
France 1455-1494.
England 1455-1485
- Lancastrian estates
- Yorkist estates
Hunt - Huntingdon
Mid - Middlesex
W - Warwick
France 1461-1494
- Royal domain in 1461
- Burgundian territories added to the royal domain by
Louis XI (1461-1483)
- Other territories added to the royal domain by
Louis XI (1461-1483)
- Added to the royal domain by
Charles VIII (1483-1498)
- Possessions of the House of Burgundy under
Charles the Rash
- Burgundian territories that passed to the House of Hapsburg
(see also
after the death of
Charles the Rash
- Territories retained by the younger branch (Burgundy-Nevers)
of the House of
Burgundy after the death of
Charles the Rash
- Appanages of Valois princes
- Other fiefs held of the French Crown
- Boundary between France and the Empire
In the areas colored light blue the dates are those of
acquisition by the House of
Burgundy; in other areas, those of acquisition by the French
B - Bishopric
C - County
D - Duchy
K - Kingdom
V - Viscounty
University of Texas at Austin.
Historical Atlas by William Shepherd (1923-26).
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