Definition of Communism
Karl Heinrich
Marx, who lived 1818-1883.
Click image to
enlarge. |
In 1848, and
together with likeminded fellow citizen
Friedrich Engels,
Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto.
The pamphlet was first written in German and
hence titled Das Manifest der
Kommunistischen Partei.
Marx had a bone to pick with
struggle, especially
bourgeoisie vs. proletariat.
And so
it reads in his Manifesto,
history of all hitherto existing
human society is the history of
class struggles.
fall of the bourgeoisie and the
victory of the proletariat are
equally inevitable.
Here you can
read The Communist
Manifest online and for free.
Karl Marx was a
sociologist. His parents were Jewish. His father
German, his mother Dutch.
In 1867, Das
Kapital (Capital) was ready to be
read by the world.
Here is a
Karl Marx timeline.
See more under
What's the difference
between the communism of Marx, Stalin, and
Karl Marx' Short Biography
May 5, 1818 |
Birth at Trier, Prussia
(today's Germany) |
1830-1935 |
High School Trier |
October 1835 |
University of Bonn |
October 1836 |
University of Berlin |
June 1843 |
Jenny von Westphalen |
1848 |
The Communist Manifesto |
March 14, 1883 |
Death in London |
And here is
About Communism
What is Communism?
What is the difference between Marxism and
What is the difference between Marxism,
Leninism, and Stalinism?
What is Anarchism?
What is the difference between Communism
and Socialism?
About Karl Marx
About Friedrich Engels
About Rosa Luxemburg
About Fidel Castro
About Mao Zedong
Russian Civil Wars in a Nutshell
The Russian Revolution of 1905
The Russian Revolution of 1917
The Russian Civil War
More History