Revolutionary Wars Timeline:
Go here for the
French Revolutionary Wars
in a Nutshell.
January 2, 1799
Britain and the Ottoman Empire sign a treaty
of alliance at Constantinople.
January 21, 1799
The Ottoman Empire and the Two Sicilies sign
a treaty of alliance at Constantinople.
January 23, 1799
The French occupy Naples.
January 24, 1799
At Naples, the French proclaim the
Parthenopean Republic, which
will last until June 13, 1799.
January 30, 1799
Creation of the
Army of Observation (Armée
d'Observation). Commander: Bernadotte.
February 21, 1799
The new French Defense Minister is
Louis-Marie-Antoine Millet de Mureau.
He succeeds Barthelemy-Louis-Joseph Scherer.
March 2, 1799
Massena is the new commander of
Army of Helvetia.
March 3, 1799
The Siege of Jaffa (part of the
Syrian Expedition) begins. It
will end on March 7, 1799.
March 7, 1799
Creation of the
Army of the Danube. Commander:
Jourdan. Formerly, it has been
Army of Observation.
The Siege of
Jaffa (part of the Syrian
Expedition) ends. It had begun on March 3, 1799. Napoleon
Bonaparte and his soldiers take the city, leave their sick soldiers
(plague) at the Armenian monastery, and then continue north to Acre.
You can visit the Armenian monastery
today, by the way. Just set your GPS to 32° 3′ 18.92″ N 34° 45′
8.22″ E. You will find yourself in today's Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Back to 1799.
Apparently, rumors later circulated
accusing Bonaparte of having poisoned those of his soldiers that had
contracted the plague. To this end, Bonaparte ordered a canvas that
would not only contradict the rumors, but also make him the Messiah
of the story.

Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa
Bonaparte, ignoring the doctor
who tries to stop him,
touches a sore on one of the plague victims with his bare hands.
Not coincidentally, the viewer is reminded of Jesus Christ.
Detail from the massive painting (5.23 x 7.15 meter /17.16 x 23.46
by Antoine-Jean Gros, 1804
March 12, 1799
France and Austria are officially at war
with each other.
March 17, 1799
The French
siege of Acre (Akko, Akka,
Saint-Jean d'Acre)
begins (part of the Syrian Campaign). It will end on March 20, 1799.
Acre's sovereign is the Turkish Ahmed El
Jazar (Ahmad al-Jazzar).
This siege is part of
Bonaparte's Syrian Expedition, which, in turn, is part of his
Egyptian Campaign. The Syrian expedition had been launched to
prevent a possible attack by the Turks.
March 20, 1799
Bonaparte ends his unsuccessful siege of
Acre (part of the Syrian Campaign). It had begun on March 17, 1799.
March 25, 1799
Austria defeats France, led by
Jean Baptiste Jourdan at the
Battle of Stokach,
fought at
Stokach / Liptingen near Lake Constance.
March 27, 1799
The French arrest
Pope Pius VI.
March 31, 1799
Massena is the new commander of
Army of the Danube.
is the new commander of the
Army of Helvetia. His post is
April 8, 1799
is the new commander of the
Army of the Danube. On paper it
is Massena. Ernouf's post is
temporary for the duration of the transition until Massena gets
himself set up. Jourdan is on sick leave at Paris since April 3,
April 16, 1799
Battle of Mount Tabor. The
French, led by
defeat the Arabs. This battle is part of Napoleon's
Egyptian Campaign.
April 23, 1799
Congress of Peace at Rastatt
(Rastatter Friedenskongress) ends.
This congress had
commenced with its
first session on December 9, 1797.
April 27, 1799
A Russo-Austrian coalition force, led by Russia's
Count Suvorov and Austria's
General Michael Friedrich von Melas,
defeats a French army, led by General
Moreau at the Battle of Cassano
(Cassano d'Adda, 18 miles / 30 km east of Milan).
Suvorov then takes Milan.
April 29, 1799
Army of Helvetia is merged into
Army of the Danube. Commander
since March 31, 1799:
June 1799
Great Britain introduces the income tax to pay for the war. See
French Revolutionary Wars and Income Tax.
June 4 - 6, 1799
First Battle of
Austrian victory.
June 17, 1799
The Battle of Trebbia begins.
This battle will end on June 19, 1799.
June 18, 1799
Coup d'état of 30 Prairial, year VII.
Moderates were kicked out of the Directory.
June 19, 1799
The Battle of Trebbia ends. This
battle had commenced on June 17, 1799. A combined force of Russians
and Austrians, led by
General Suvorov, defeat the French, led by
Jacques-Étienne Macdonald, in northern Italy.
July 2, 1799
The new French Defense Minister is
Jean Bernadotte. He succeeds
Louis-Marie-Antoine Millet de Mureau.
July 11, 1799
A Turkish fleet arrives at Aboukir Bay but they won't come ashore
until July 14, 1799.
July 14, 1799
The Ottoman forces who had arrived at Aboukir on July 11, 1799, go
ashore. The Battle of Aboukir
(part of the Egyptian Campaign)
begins. It will end on July 25.
If you referred to the Battle of the
Nile (August 1, 1798) as the Battle of Aboukir (Bay), then
this battle today should consequently be your Second Battle of
Aboukir (Bay).
July 16, 1799
Third day of the Battle of Aboukir
(part of the Egyptian Campaign).
The Ottoman Turks have gained the upper hand over the French. But
the battle is not quite over yet. Bonaparte is on his way.
July 18, 1799
Army of the Danube
gets split into two: The Army of the Danube and the
of the Rhine.
July 25, 1799
Napoleon Bonaparte crushes the Turks. The Battle of Aboukir (part of
the Egyptian Campaign) is over.
It had begun on July 14, 1799.
August 15, 1799
Battle of Novi
(Novi Ligure). An Austro-Russian army, led by
Alexander V. Suvorov, defeats
the French, led by Joubert and
Moreau. French General Joubert
is killed.
August 24, 1799
Bonaparte manages to sneak out of Egypt. He
will land on the French mainland at Frejus on October 9, and arrive
in Paris on October 14, 1799.
August 29, 1799
Pope Pius VI dies in French
captivity at Valence. The Catholic Church will be without a pope
until March 14, 1800.
September 14, 1799
The new French Defense Minister is
Edmond-Louis-Alexis Dubois de Crancé.
He succeeds Jean Bernadotte.
September 19, 1799
Battle of Bergen. In Holland,
the French, led by Guillaume Brune,
defeat the British and the Russians.
September 25 - 26, 1799
Battle of Zurich.
French victory, led by André
September 28, 1799
Russia and Portugal sign a treaty of
alliance at Saint Petersburg.
October 1, 1799
Russia and Bavaria sign a treaty of
October 6, 1799
Battle of Castricum.
In Holland, the French, led by Guillaume
Brune, defeat the British and the Russians.
October 9, 1799
Bonaparte back on the French mainland. He
lands at Frejus and travels on to Paris.
October 14, 1799
Bonaparte back in Paris.
October 18, 1799
Convention of Alkmaar
November 9, 1799
Napoleon Bonaparte
comes to power via coup d'état (
d'Etat du 18 Brumaire) that
overthrows the
and installs the
is the end of the
November 10, 1799
Installation of the three
provisional consuls
Emmanuel-Joseph Siéyès,
Pierre-Roger Ducos, and
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Also on November 10, 1799
The new French Defense Minister is
Berthier. He succeeds
Dubois de Crancé.
November 24, 1799
Army of the Rhine
and the
Army of the Danube
merge into the Army of the Rhine.
December 13, 1799
Constitution of year VIII
(Constitution of 22 Frimaire Year VIII). This
constitution had been drafted by
E.J. Sieyes.
December 14, 1799
George Washington
dies at Mount Vernon, Virginia.
December 25, 1799
Adoption of the
Constitution of
the Year VIII: Bonaparte becomes
First Consul of France.
Sieyes and Ducos, who?
December 26, 1799
Last day in office for the
Conseil des Cinq-Cents. On January 1st,
1800, it will be replaced by the Corps
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