Mexican History 1917
Mexican Revolution
Timeline - Year 1917
January 17, 1917
Emiliano Zapata takes Cuernavaca.
January 20, 1917
Emiliano Zapata
announces "The nightmare of Carrancismo, running over with
horror and blood, is at its end".
Pablo González
Garza feeds the newspapers with untrue Zapatista
February 5, 1917
Venustiano Carranza announces a new constitution, the Mexican Constitution
of 1917. Its predecessor was the
Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1857.
The Constitution of 1917 is
still in effect today.
Beginning of March 1917
Revolt in Buenavista de
Cuéllar. Revolutionaries try to break away from the authority of
the General Headquarters of Tlaltizapán and its chief
Emiliano Zapata.
E. Montaño compromised.
See May 15,
March 11, 1917
Elections under the new constitution in every state except
Venustiano Carranza becomes officially president of Mexico.
May 1, 1917
Today is the inauguration ceremony for the new constitutional
Alvaro Obregon
that his duty is done and resigns as
Secretary of War. He fulfills his retirement dreams as a chick-pea farmer in Sonora.
May 5, 1917
Revolt among the Zapatistas.
Emiliano Zapata
orders an attack on the
mutineers. Zapata,
de la O with 10,000 men fight at Buena Vista.
Zapata wins.
May 7, 1917
It is announced that Lorenzo Vázquez had been
hung for
May 15, 1917
Court hearing for
Otilio E. Montaño.
This is a grave event and the hearing lasts until May 18.
May 18, 1917
It is 1.00 am and
Otilio E. Montaño's hearing is finished. The Court declares
him guilty. Montaño arranges his affairs, kisses his family good-bye
and gets executed by a firing squad in Tlaltizapán.
June 17 / 18, 1917
In a pub fight in Cuautla, drunk
Eufemio Zapata beats up the father
of his sub, Colonel Sidronio Camacho. Camacho comes after
Eufemio, guns him down in the street, flees north, and surrenders to
the federals, the Carrancistas.
July 7, 1917
Pablo González
Garza admits his defeat. He receives a two-month leave of
absence to visit America "on a personal basis".
Emiliano Zapata
Carranza rules
Mexico. All the fighting leaves Morelos totally devastated again.
Zapata rules a wilderness.
Zapata tries to connect with other rebel
groups including the Villistas but without any noteworthy success.
September 1, 1917
Emiliano Zapata
issues a manifesto, stating that
Carranza is a fake
revolutionary and the fight must continue. Zapata asks
Pancho Villa
to sign
the manifesto but didn't get any response.
November 19, 1917
Pablo González
Garza is back in the saddle and takes Cuautla.
November 24, 1917
The Federals take Zacualpán and occupy Jonacatepec.
The year ends with yet another stalemate. The
guerrillas are in the mountains and the federals are in
the major towns.
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