Mexican History 1919
Mexican Revolution
Timeline - Year 1919
Late February 1919
has to retreat from Jojutla.
He moves first toward Jonacatepec, and
then toward Tochimilco.
March 17, 1919
sends a letter to
Venustiano Carranza, "who I believe must be moved
sometimes, if only for an instant, by the anguish of mothers . . .
"you have tried to convert the revolution into a movement for your
own gain . . . "It has never crossed your mind that the Revolution
was for the benefit of the masses."
Still military stalemate in
Mid-March 1919
Jesús Guajardo, a colonel in the federal army, quarrels with
his commander,
General Pablo
González. Gonzalez found Guajardo drinking at a local
cantina after he had been ordered into the hills around Huautla to
hunt Zapatistas. Guajardo gets arrested. Zapata's spies report this
back to
March 21, 1919
writes a letter to
Jesús Guajardo and encourages him
to defect.
March 30, 1919
General Pablo
González' lucky day. He intercepts the letter from
Guajardo, calls Guajardo a traitor and tells him that the only
chance to save his neck was to set up a trap for Zapata.
Guajardo agrees and writes back to
Zapata that he is ready to defect.
April 1, 1919
sends a letter back to
Guajardo and asks him for a revolt on
Friday, April 4. Guajardo replies right away. He agrees but asks for
more time.
April 7, 1919
orders rebel attacks to divert federal attention.
April 8, 1919
Guajardo revolts in Cuautla and marches out with his men.
April 9, 1919
Colonel Jesús Guajardo,
commander of the 5th Regiment, reaches Jonacatepec, occupies the town in Zapata's name.
waits a few miles south at Pastor Station. A messenger brings
Zapata the news of Guajardo's recent moves. Zapata sends a message
to Guajardo, telling him he must meet him with only 30 men.
4.30 PM - Guajardo
arrives, bringing with him 600 troops instead of the requested 30.
Together, Guajardo and Zapata ride south two miles to Tepalcingo.
Later that night - Guajardo requests
permission to return immediately to Chinameca Hacienda, ten miles
east, claiming he wants to protect his stores of ammunition stacked
in the plantation buildings. Zapata agrees to meet Guajardo at Chinameca early the next morning to discuss the next step.
Guajardo leaves. Soon after, Zapata
rides out to spend the night in the nearby hills.
April 10, 1919
With about 150 additional men,
rides toward Chinameca.
8.30 AM - Zapata meets Colonel
Jesús Guajardo
at the Hacienda of San Juan Chinameca in
Morelos. Within minutes a
report reaches Zapata that federal troops were believed to be in the
vicinity. Zapata tells Guajardo to guard the hacienda while he
leaves to investigate.
1.30 PM - Zapata returns, no federals
were found.
2.10 PM - Zapata takes 10 men with him
to meet Guajardo inside to eat.
Inside, Zapata meets Guajardo's troops
lined up. The bugler blows the call to present arms - three long
notes. These sound as Zapata rides slowly across the square, swings
himself from the saddle, and puts his foot on the first step leading
up to the house.
The third note ends. At that moment the
soldiers move their weapons from the present-arms position, raise
them to eye-level, and fire.
was an ambush and Zapata along with Agustín
Cortés, Lucio Labastida,
and members of his escort were shot.
Two volleys struck Zapata at point-blank
range. He crashes forward on the wooden veranda and is killed
The Zapatistas who weren't shot flee
southward down to the Cuautla River.
4.30 PM - The federals hurry northwards
with Zapata's body thrown across a mule
7.30 PM - They reach Villa de Ayala.
Just after 9 PM - The federals reach
Cuautla and meet
General Pablo
González. Zapata's body gets carried to the local police
station, identified, photographed, and labeled.
"Emiliano Zapata. Mora." (dead)

APRIL 10, 1919
April 12, 1919
Zapata's burial at Cuautla cemetery.
June 1, 1919
Alvaro Obregon
announces his candidacy in the forthcoming presidential
Venustiano Carranza's nominee is
Ignacio Bonilla.
General Pablo
González announces himself as a challenger, which Carranza
tries to ignore.
June 15 - 16, 1919
Third Battle of Juárez.
July 1919
Siege of Durango
A few weeks after
Pancho Villa's fertile attack on Ciudad Juarez, he
besieged the city of Durango. The Feds attacked Villa's rear and
Villa had to retreat.
Martín López was killed in the
process, which was a big blow to Pancho Villa.
September 4,
A meeting takes place in Cuautla to appoint Zapata's successor.
Five candidates step forward: Marulio Mejía,
Genovevo de la O,
Jesús Capistrán, Timoteo Sánchez, and
Gildardo Magaña.
Capistrán gets 11 votes, Magaña 18; all the others one each; 32
votes in total.
A manifesto is issued to declare Gildardo Magana officially Zapata's
successor and the new leader of the Liberation Army of the South, or
Ejército Libertador del Sur.
In the
same document the revolutionaries are encouraged to stick closely to the
Plan of
Ayala and to continue the fight for its
Here is the original text:
En el campamento revolucionario de
Huautla, Morelos, a los cuatro días del mes de septiembre de mil
novecientos diez y nueve, reunidos los generales y jefes suscriptos,
del Ejército Libertador, con el objeto de tratar diversos asuntos
relacionados con la Revolución y después de que en vista de la
discusión respectiva se hubo llegado al conocimiento de la urgencia,
cada vez mayor, de nombrar un general en jefe de dicho ejército, se
procedió a elegirlo y habiéndose distribuido entre los presentes las
cédulas del caso el resultado de la votación fue el que sigue:
obtuvo diez y ocho votos para dicho cargo el ciudadano general
Gildardo Magaña; se emitieron once votos a favor del ciudadano
general Jesús Capistrán, y uno a favor de cada uno de los ciudadanos
generales Genovevo de la O., Maurilio Mejía y Timoteo Sánchez.
Publicado el resultado de la votación, todos los presentes se
comprometieron a respetar el voto de la mayoría y a someterse por lo
mismo a la jefatura del candidato triunfante, o sea el ciudadano
general Gildardo Magaña. Al efecto y para el cumplimiento de este
solemne compromiso quede afecto el honor de cada uno de los
suscritos, firman la presente acta, de absoluta conformidad. Se hace
constar que el ciudadano general Magaña invitó a los suscritos a que
reconsideraran sus votos, a fin de que los emitidos a favor de él se
agregasen a los que obtuvo el ciudadano general Capistrán, lo que no
fue aceptado en virtud de que el escrutinio arrojó una mayoría
absoluta en favor de la candidatura del general Magaña. Igualmente
se hace constar que, al calce de las firmas de los concurrentes a la
junta, consignarán sus votos algunos jefes que no asistieron a ella.
El general de División
El general de División
Jesús Capistrán
Adrián Castrejón
El general de División
El general de División
Maurilio Mejía
Fortino Ayaquica
El general de Brigada
El general de Brigada
Timoteo Sánchez
Joaquín Caamaño
El general
El general de Brigada
Benigno Abúndez
Vicente Aranda
El general
El general de Brigada
Francisco Alarcón
P. Casado R.
El general
El general
Jesús Chávez
Gabino Lozano Sánchez
And here is the original document

November 15, 1919
Venustiano Carranza's troops capture
Felipe Ángeles.
November 26. 1919
Carranza's men execute
Felipe Ángeles.
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