Homer, a blind but nonetheless brilliant man, lived
sometime before 700 B.C.
Homer was probably born either on the island
Chios or at Smyrna.
He might or might not have been the
author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, the two greatest epic poems
of ancient Greece that were written around the year 750 BC.
But if he was, he was one heck of a guy.
Let's say he was.
Homer's Iliad
If you are a fan of Achilles, Hector, and the Trojan War - Homer's
Iliad is
your story.
you can read The Iliad online and for free.
Homer's Odyssey
Homer's Odyssey is the road movie of Odysseus, king of Ithaca.
you can read The Odyssey online and for free.
What's True, What
Archaeologists are still trying to figure that out.
for example, people have been digging for ages and haven't found
evidence that Homer's story is not true.
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