Speeches - Indexed by Speech Topic: U - Z

This speech collection is organized in alphabetical order by speech subject, theme, or topic.


Vive le Québec Libre !

Charles de Gaulle - Speech Canada 1967

Charles de Gaulle
July 24, 1967, delivered at Montreal, Canada


Votes for Women

Mark Twain - Votes for Women 1901

Mark Twain
January 20, 1901, delivered at New York, N.Y.


War Message

Woodrow Wilson - Speech

Woodrow Wilson
April 2, 1917, delivered at Washington D.C.


Watergate Address, First
(No Whitewash at the White House)

Nixon - Speech

Richard M. Nixon
April 30, 1973, aired from Washington D.C.


Watergate Address, Second

Nixon - Speech

Richard M. Nixon
August 15, 1973, aired from Washington D.C.


We Cannot Make Land

Red Jacket - Speech

Red Jacket (Sagoyewatha)
Summer of 1819, delivered near Buffalo, New York


We Demand Justice

Clemens von Galen - Speech

Clemens von Galen
July 13, 1941, delivered at Munster, Germany


We Live in a Contaminated Moral Environment

Vaclav Havel - Speech

Vaclav Havel
January 1, 1990, delivered at Prague, Czechoslovakia


We Never Quarrel About Religion

Red Jacket - Speech

Red Jacket (Sagoyewatha)
Summer of 1805, delivered in the Six Nations Territory, Upper New York State


We Shall Fight on the Beaches

Winston Churchill - Speech

Winston Churchill
June 4, 1940, delivered at London, UK


We Shall Overcome

Lyndon B. Johnson - Speech

Lyndon B. Johnson
March 15, 1965, delivered at Washington D.C.


Weapons for Squalid and Trivial Ends

Aneurin Bevan - Speech

Aneurin Bevan
December 5, 1956, delivered at London, UK


Wellesley Student Commencement Speech

Hillary Rodham Clinton - Speech

Hillary D. Rodham
May 31, 1969, delivered at Wellesley, MA


Wellesley Commencement Address

Barbara Bush
June 1, 1990, delivered at Wellesley, MA


What It Means to be Colored in the Capital of the United States

Mary E. Church Terrell - Speech

Mary E. Church Terrell
October 10, 1906, delivered at Washington D.C.


What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? (The Hypocrisy of American Slavery)

Frederick Douglass - Speech

Frederick Douglass
July 5, 1852, delivered at Rochester, New York


When Will I Be Blown Up?

William Faulkner - Speech

William Faulkner
December 10, 1950, delivered at Stockholm, Sweden


Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good?

Barbara Jordan - Speech

Barbara C. Jordan
July 12, 1976, delivered at New York, N.Y.


Wind of Change

Harold Macmillan - Speech

Harold Macmillan
February 3, 1960, delivered at Cape Town, South Africa


Wir Fordern Gerechtigkeit

Clemens von Galen - Speech

Clemens von Galen
July 13, 1941, delivered at Munster, Germany


Wollt Ihr Den Totalen Krieg?

Joseph Goebbels - Speech

Joseph Goebbels
February 18, 1943, delivered at Berlin, Germany


Women in War

Robert Menzies - Speech

Robert Menzies
February 20, 1942, broadcast from Sydney, Australia


Women Will Not Stop

Bella Abzug - Speech

Bella Abzug
September 12, 1995, delivered at Beijing, China


Women's Rights Are Human Rights

Hillary Clinton - Beijing 1995

Hillary Rodham Clinton
September 5, 1995, delivered at Beijing, China


Wonders of Science

Albert Einstein speech 1930

Albert Einstein
August 22, 1930, delivered at Berlin, Germany


World Peace (Commencement Address at American University)

JFK - World Peace 1963

John F. Kennedy
June 10, 1963, delivered at Washington DC


Wrath of Grapes Boycott

Cesar Chavez - Speech

Cesar E. Chavez
May 1986, delivered at various places in the U.S.


Wunder der Wissenschaft - German

Albert Einstein speech 1930

Albert Einstein
August 22, 1930, delivered at Berlin, Germany


Yad Vashem Speech

Pope John Paul II - Speech

Pope John Paul II
March 23, 2000, delivered in Jerusalem, Israel


Yes, We Can

Senator Obama - Yes, We Can - New Hampshire - 2008

Barack Obama
January 8, 2008, delivered at Nashua, New Hampshire


You've Got to Find What You Love

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Steve Jobs
June 12, 2005, delivered at Stanford, CA



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Speeches Given by U.S. Presidents


Frequently Viewed Speeches

Socrates: Apology - 399 BC
Socrates: Apology
399 BC

Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address - 1863
Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address

Winston Churchill: Their Finest Hour - 1940
Winston Churchill: Their Finest Hour

Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have a Dream - 1963
Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have a Dream



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Attila the Hun

Attila King of the Huns

The greatest of all Barbarian rulers, Attila kicked rear on a large scale.

Attila short biography

Map of Attila's empire

Battle of the Catalaunian Plains

Who were the Huns?


Greco-Persian Wars

Also called the Persian Wars, the Greco-Persian Wars were fought for almost half a century from 492 BC - 449 BC. Greece won against enormous odds. Here is more:

Battle of Marathon
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Salamis
Battle of Plataea


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Historic Castles and Palaces
Historic Castles and Palaces





















































French Revolution - Its Causes, Its Victims, Its Effects


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